6th February 2010


Business name FAIL.  You would think that if they were educated enough to be a CPA, they would have learned basic grammar rules.  (or at least be smart enough to hire a proof-reader before choosing both your business name and the signage.)

I should submit it to the apostrophe abuse site.

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1st February 2010

Japanese Doors

To start with, an AWESOME spontaneous comment by Zane.
As we were pulling into the parking lot of the building where Zane’s ST is held (at the University), we pass by a sign that said “Italian Door J”. I noted the sign, and in my brain immediately wondered what made “J” an “Italian” Door, then realizing that it probably is where the language class “Italian” is being held. As I am laughing at myself and the strange little conversation in my head, I park, and hear Zane pipe up in the back seat (now keep in mind, this entire conversation has been in my own head). “How about English Doors? Or Japanese?” I was stunned and SO glad I noticed the sign so it wasn’t a total non-sequitur. I thought it was awesome.

I brought my camera to Speech today. It was actually the second day of the semester, but the first day I was having the dental day from Hades and barely remembered he even had Speech. (Thankfully, Zach was on top of things for me that day). The group of kids and the clinical supervisor is the same, with a new group of Speech Therapy students. Zane’s new person left me with a good first impression. Yay!

The craft: making a groundhog mask. (in the second picture he is looking at the one-way mirror that I am sitting behind to see himself in the mask).

The activity: bowling. He made sure they knew that he got TWO throws. (except that he actually threw it, so they had to remind him to roll the ball)
Waiting his turn.

He didn’t really want to wear his mask at home, so Zora happily volunteered. (He did give his permission for her to wear it though)

Happy Groundhog Day all!

posted in Autistic Life, Giggle, Language Development, ST, Zane | 3 Comments

22nd January 2010


There are times in life, more frequently than I would have imagined, that I think “kids are weird”. Zora caused that to run through my brain today. She took my backstratcher and very carefully and intently taped a red magnet to it. She carried it around all day, claiming it was “a present for Oma”, wanted her princess wrapping paper so that she could give it to her for her birthday (which isn’t until the end of July, btw, so it isn’t like we were talking about her birthday). Huh? Yeah, kids can be really weird. Sweet, but weird.

posted in Giggle, Zora | 1 Comment

18th January 2010

Sleepy cuteness

Zach laid down for a nap. Zora isn’t feeling very well and crawled on him to snuggle, and 10 minutes later I looked over to see this cuteness.

Later, after the nap, Zach took her to the video store. We had confirmation that she has nerdy genes, when amongst all the princess and girly movies, she insisted on this one:

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12th January 2010

Mustache Day (emphasis on *day*)

While shaving today, Zora convinced Zach to shave off his goatee and leave just a mustache “like Mario”. (both of the kids have been asking for a long time) Zane, even though he has also asked him to have just a mustache, upon seeing it, told him that he didn’t like it. Although “mustache only” is not the best look for Zach, I told him we should get a picture of him like that, and 15 minutes later he told me to upload the pictures. This is a sampling of my favorite goofy guy.

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11th January 2010

Snow Family having a bad day

The temperatures are rising and it is the beginning of the end for our snowman family.

posted in Giggle, Winter | 1 Comment

3rd January 2010

Zora’s driving.

After purposely running her RC car into wall (and the giggling like crazy), we told her that she might hurt the car if she kept doing that, and to try and avoid the walls.

I guess she thought she hurt the car.

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19th November 2009

Baby Bell Cheese.

First, I have to say I really love these little cheeses. They taste a lot like I remember Pioneer Cheese Factory (Moundridge, KS) store smelling whenever we used to go there for a treat after doctor’s appointments. I have wonderful memories of cases of various cheese, and my most favorite cheese of all, fresh cheese curds. YUM!

Anyway, back to the subject, they are good little cheese treats. My mom bought some and gave me a big handful of those adorable little cheese wheels. I was delighted that my kids, especially Zora, seemed to really love them. Then I came to realize why Zora was going through them at a quick pace. She needed the art supplies.

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10th November 2009

Zach’s nightmare

Zach has been sick. This afternoon I woke him after a nap and he thanked me for waking him up because he was having a nightmare. He told me that he was dreaming that he was stuck at a football game, up in the nosebleed seats, just discovered he would be stuck there for another 5 hours of so, and his Droid phone (which we don’t actually own but want really bad) wasn’t working so he couldn’t surf the internet or play any games to pass the time.

I seriously married the right guy when his nightmare involves being stuck watching football. lmao!

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9th June 2009

The Two Roberts

#160 The Two Roberts. My folks came up today when our Mountaineer wouldn’t start. (It was fine, just needed a new battery, and our unemployment insurance came in the afternoon mail so we didn’t even have to borrow money). When Grandma was reading “Walter and the Farting Dog” to Zora, she insisted that it wasn’t the two robbers, but the two Roberts. One of the guys does resemble Robert….sort of. lol.

posted in Giggle, project 365 | Comments Off

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