Last Day of VBS
The kids really enjoyed VBS this year. Zach and I were only there for the last day (to help watch kids on the blow up waterslide, for safety), but both kids came home happy and tired each morning, and Zora even took a few naps this week.
Zane had a jr. high girl that hung out with him all week to help him, and I was so thankful.
The group in the sanctuary, there were about 30ish kids this year, a group size that works so much better than the enormous group at the other church last year. They did several hands on service projects, one of which was making backpacks with hygiene supplies (for Youthville) and a pillow, and it took a lot of explaining to get both kids to understand that they weren’t taking them home with us. Early in the week I didn’t know what the project was, but I was pretty sure that they weren’t going to bringing home the toothbrushes, soap, and “special backpack” they kept talking about. I was very glad to see a variety of projects like that because it stimulated a lot of good conversations this week.
The one project that we were there for was writing cards to send in care packages to soldiers. (and I plan on taking pictures of the other crafts, but my camera batteries need to be recharged first, so it will be another post)
This is Zora’s card:
And this is Zane’s card. It tickled me. (it is a stickman style maze/obstacle course, including an exit)
And some crafts from the week:
And, for the final hurrah, the waterslide
The remarkable thing about this picture is that it isn’t as remarkable as it once was. Zane standing in line, something I wasn’t sure if I would ever see a short while ago. It’s those little invisible victories that make life so great.
The big kids helping the littler ones up the slippery stairs.
And when did my girl sprout legs like that? She is growing so fast.
Zane struggled to get up there, but he was so happy at every step.
Taking a break to enjoy some birthday cake. There were a handful of birthdays this week, and both of my little stinkers tried to claim it was their birthdays too. (both are fairly obsessed with birthdays and parties right now).
I love this church. I am finally starting to feel like a member of the community there.
posted in Autistic Life, Church, VBS, Zane, Zora | Comments Off