Friday October 8, 2004
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Man, this has been a rough week and I can’t even put my finger on the exact problem. Maybe just the cummulation of a lot of things…dh’s job search, all of us will pollen allergies, tired, frustration. You know…life. My house is a mess and I just didn’t feel like picking up today, so I have puzzle pieces and books strewn from one end of the room to the other. You know what a pain it is to pick up puzzle peices? some of the puzzles don’t have boxes because they go on boards, so I am going to have to put together about 5 25 piece puzzles to get them put away, then sort two larger puzzles back into their boxes. Oh well, Zane had fun. lol. I also felt really lazy so we just had baked potatoes for supper. I am thinking about boiling some eggs for the protein…whoa…what excitement.
Zach applied for a job at Koch today. It sounds really good. From the description it sounds like he basically runs reports, does tech support, does system maintenence (intalling programs and fixing problems), and maybe implements and tests stuff made by the day shift IT folks. The hours are from midnight to 8am, so it is a bit later than a lot of 3rd shift jobs so we wouldn’t have to wait around for several hours after work to do things like drs appointments and shopping. (and he would get off in time for church almost right away instead of having to sit around for 4 hours like when he was at Sprint) It would be easier in some ways if it were ‘normal’ hours, but we definatly function just fine on a third shift schedule…in a lot of ways, we function better.
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Here are some political blogs and sites I discovered today. Interesting reading. I am mostly posting this because I want to send it to Zach and my email is demanding a password that I don’t remember right now and I am too tired to look for it. lol.
while I am at it, here is one I have been enjoying for a while
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Article: Watching Fox News makes you Ignorant.
I had to laugh pretty hardily at this. They should rename Fox News Channel the Comedy Channel…oh, wait, they have that. Ironically, the news shows there are more accurate than they are at Fox. lol.
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Last night Zane pointed to the rubber ducky soap dispenser in the bathroom and declared “duck!” and then grinning at me all proud of himself. I asked him “what does a duck say?” and he responded “quack, quack, quack”. Verbal development can be so much fun!
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Tumble Tots went better this time around. He isn’t bolting instantly when they do the stretching thing at the begining. I did discover, by accident, that he might do better if I get him right up near to the teacher (he ran and that was were I ended up plopping down when I brought him back), so I am going to do that next class time. I had been keeping him on the end so he didn’t disturb the other kids/parents, but I think he might be less disruptive if he is nearer to the teacher so he has a focus.
He also did the apparatus that is two parallel bars (about 2 feet off the ground) by walking across just one bar (holding on to me) instead of using both bars. Basically, a bar width balance beam, but he wasn’t terribly interested in the actual balance beam. lol. He was especially unimpressed with the beanie babies set on the balance beam. (It was sort of funny to watch the kids because they all had definate ideas about where the beanie babies should be located). When I put him on the kid’s size men’s parallel bars he wasn’t getting how to play on them. The teacher happened to be there and helped me get him on the bars by straddling the bars and then having him pull himself with his hands the length of the bars. As he was doing it, she looked at him in surprise and commented on how flexible he was. lol. (ok, so it isn’t normal for a 2 year old boy to do the splits like that, who knew?)
I think the thing I was the most impressed with is that he didn’t shove any kids, he waited behind them on ladders and such, and he waited until the other kids were off the trampoline to get on it. I was really nice. It is a major thing when your child is so much bigger than his peers that he doesn’t shove them either to get them to move, or even in play, because he would unintentionally hurt somebody. I don’t really expect him to be some great gymnast or anything (he is so big, I don’t think this is likely to be his sport anyway), I just want him to have fun and learn to interact in a group situation. It is good to see those things progressing.
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I haven’t felt much like writing the last few days, so I think I will instead share some of the quotes I have photoshopped to use in my screensaver (when I had XP…I haven’t done it since my XP system died and I am back on my old 98 system). In XP, you can have a cusomized screensaver by putting pictures, quotes, cartoons…whatever jpegs you want into a folder and have the screensaver point to it and set it to change the picture every 5 seconds (or whatever timing you want). I really miss that feature. Zach still has it on his system though, so I still see some of my old stuff over there, but he has his own things in there too.
Anyway, I have a series of quotes I have made up and I thought I could share them. I love quotes. I have a hard time finding the words and really appreciate writers that are able to express my feelings better than I am able to. All of these have a black background because it looked better on the screensaver…no other reason. lol.
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Zane and Zach built a mega block fence and then had the train track go over it and through it. Zane was thrilled with the set up and spent a long time carefully driving the train around the track, with the accompanying “choo-choo” sounds.
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If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away
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