12th August 2008


Germans apparently love yogurt.  This is the yogurt selection at the small grocery store we went to yesterday.  (probably a bit bigger than our local Aldis or the Buhler Market I grew up with, but smaller than any Dillons I have been in since about the 80s)

A few meats and cheeses.  There was an amazing amount of sausages and sausage like things.  I should have taken a picture of the meat counter.  Compared to the meat counters in Kansas, it was the opposite…almost no beef, but huge cases of various kinds of sausages.

And yes, there was a LOT of chocolate.  We took pictures of it all because one of our friends grew up here and wants us to bring him back some chocolate and we want to know if he recognizes any of it from when he was a kid.  This is one of about 5 or 6 pictures.  lol

Am I reading this right?  Do they actually put Flouride in Salt?

posted in Attendorn, Food, Germany, Shopping, Travel | Comments Off

12th August 2008

The same, yet different (for the easily amused)

The Windows. Most of the windows here appear to open from the top. In our suite, all open from the top except for one that swings in. (and I see that echoed in the buildings that surround us) There aren’t any screens on windows in our suite, and I haven’t really seen them anyplace else. It surprised me considering there is no air conditioning and you have to have the windows open all of the time. This results in things like bees coming in to join you for a while. Thankfully, the bee that hung out with me yesterday left without incident. Maybe the bees are tame here.

What Can Brown Do For You? I knew they were international, but seeing a UPS (pronounced Uh-Pee-Ess here) truck in front of the hotel yesterday made me smile.

The outlet that powers my computer (if you haven’t figured it out, I am easily amused)

The squirrel I watched from my window for about half an hour yesterday. (very easily amused)

Das Google

My neighbor’s tomatoes put mine to shame. Dang. Those are some serious tomato plants.

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11th August 2008

Sunday Evening

We did end up sleeping for about 4 hours in the afternoon. We just couldn’t take it any more. Being up for 24 hours on only 3 hours of sleep is too much.

When we woke up we decided we needed to try and find the gas station were the guy showed us how to get gas because they had food in there too. On Sundays nothing is open except restaurants and, apparently, the gas station. We looped around a few times before we figured out where it was, but we did eventually find it. The selection was pretty slim, made slimmer by the fact we couldn’t really read anything and only wanted to guess so much since we knew we would get to a grocery store on Monday night after Zach gets home from work.

We gathered our items and they didn’t give us a receipt automatically. I hadn’t thought to memorize “I need a receipt”, so we just gathered our stuff and left. (they didn’t put it in a bag either)

Went back to the hotel and went to find some supper. The hotel restaurant was closed by then, but a little shop near it was crowded with 20-somethings, which is a good sign that it is not too expensive and tastes decent. It was a good guess. Ordering was interesting though. I did discover why so many people who visit the US order pizza…it was the only thing that we could decipher easily. We couldn’t tell what the toppings were mostly, but “Pizza Italiana” looked like a good bet for Zach, and “Pizza Margaritta” is a good guess for me. We assumed the Italiana one had onions, but were wrong. Not only did it not have onions on it, but it was wonderful. I was expecting a white sauce pizza with tomato slices on it because that is what it is in our area. It was a cheese pizza. It was good too. They didn’t have a lot of sauce on it, which was great for us since I didn’t know how to say “light sauce”.

The main hitch was that we assumed by the low price (5 Euros) that it was a tiny, personal size pizza so we each ordered one. This is what came:

At the end of the meal we obviously needed to take home the leftovers.  We used our little phrase books and found “I need a bag”.  However, after saying it about 5 times to the guy and having that “what the heck?” look on his face, we handed him the book and pointed out the phrase to him.  He was still confused as heck and after reading it a few times, tentitely reached for a plastic bag and we said yes.  So, we stacked our pizza in a plastic grocery bag.  lol.  Looked wierd, but it was close enough.  It was better than carrying it back to our room in our hands, which we would have done because it was delicious and worth the embarrasement.  After that, we were afraid to try and ask for a receipt.  lol

With the pizza, we also got a Coke.  The cans were really tall and skinny. 

When we got home we finally were able to talk to the kids and my folks via the webcam.  Zora was excited.  Zane seemed annoyed, probably because he wanted the computer back to play a game.  Mom said they were doing well and had been wanting pancakes and waffles.  lol.  Everybody looked good, which was a relief.

We flipped through the channels on the tv in the evening.  It was weird to see NCIS and CSI charaters in different voices with German accents.  There was a dubbed Brad Pitt movie on too.  We ended up watching the Olympics, eventually with the sound turned off because the sound didn’t matter and it was so quiet it felt wrong to have the tv going.

posted in Attendorn, Food, Germany, Shopping, Travel | Comments Off

11th August 2008

Breakfast and the Sweet Suite

We pulled up the hotel and parked in an area that looked more like a patio than a parking lot. He took us inside, where it looked like a restaurant, not a hotel. Zach and the driver retrieved the bags while the hotel guy disappeared and I stood there not sure what to do. Eventually, the guys returned with the luggage and the hotel guy returned with the key. The two German guys talked a bit, then turned to us and asked if we wanted breakfast. We said yes, so they said to put our bags near the door and the driver left. We sort of stood there and looked at each other and the hotel guy disappeared again. I read someplace that you usually seat yourself in most German restaurants, but wasn’t sure if we should just help ourselves to the food at the buffet or not.

Eventually the dude came back and basically got across to us that we should go eat. lol. So we did. It was a continental breakfast with some rolls, a meat and cheese tray, yogurt (we guessed by the packaging) some fruit, some juice, and eggs (I assume they were hard boiled, but didn’t really want to take the chance). We got a roll and meats and yogurt and then tried to figure out how we were supposed to eat the meat and just put them on the roll and made a sandwich. No idea if we were tacky or not, but it didn’t really seem like finger food and we happened to sit at a table with no silverware. Eventually somebody came by and asked if we wanted coffee. YES! I figured out which of the little packets was cream and poured what I hoped was sugar from one of the shakers at the table. (it was…thank goodness…salt in coffee would have been bad). The thing we thought was yogurt tasted mostly like yogurt (or something akin to it if not). The food was good. The meat and cheese was especially good…more flavor or something. Maybe the preservatives are different in it because it didn’t have that plasticy aftertaste a lot of cold cuts do when you get them from the supermarket. I am going to get spoiled here, I can tell.

Nobody gave us a bill for the food and we sat there not knowing what to do for a while. (a theme that will be repeated often in this trip). Eventually we tracked down the guy that greeted us at the door and he had our room key. He indicated that Viega pays for the breakfast, but didn’t give us anything to sign. He said he would show us to the room which was around the corner in a different building. (The patio/parking lot has a green triangle, the building we are staying in has a red circle. You have to walk around on the street, walking in front of the hotel bar/restaurant, and a little shop where we had supper later)

So, we followed around the corner down one of those one-car streets and showed Zach where he could park the car, how to work the key to the building and we went up three flights of stairs (again, me with my luggage trying not to look like I was having a rough time with it) to another weird doorknob (pictured) and a sign that said “Rosen Suite”.

We went into the room and it was still being made up, he said it would be another half an hour until it was ready, so we left our luggage there and slipped back out the door and down the stairs, trying to decide what to do. We walked a little, but it was raining and we had no umbrella, so that didn’t last long. We went back to the hotel, this time into the bar area instead of the breakfast room to see if we could get a cup of coffee and sit while we waited. We said coffee, the same thing as earlier, but this time we got espresso. Really good, but not what we were expecting. Another couple came in and had the same thing, so I guess we weren’t doing anything weird (like sitting in a restaurant that is supposed to be closed but they let the stupid Americans in anyway). We sat there for about 45 minutes, and didn’t have anybody offer refills (or really even come back into the dining room) and weren’t sure what to do about the bill, again. Finally the guy came back and we asked if we needed to sign anything. We aren’t sure of what exactly he said, but he said something about Viega paying and disappeared again. He didn’t come back, so I guess we don’t have to sign anything. I tell you what….years of working in hotels and restaurants make “not signing” anything feel really uncomfortable.

We went back to the room and they were done. Wow, what a room. I was expecting a small room with a big bed and just hoping that we had a private bathroom. We had that, plus a kitchenette, a sofa, a table, and a tv area.

In the kitchen are two burners, a microwave, a coffee maker, and a built-in hidden (as in we didn’t discover that it was behind the cabinet for a while) fridge. In the shelves were plates coffee cups and a large selection of various wine glasses. Underneath were pots and pans, and there was silverware in the drawers. There was even a spice rack with 6 spices in it on the counter.

On the table was a tray with two bottles of sparkling mineral water and glasses made especially for mineral water and some gummy sheep. (sheep? I’ve seen bears and worms, but sheep was a new one. lol) In one of my German books it said that people in Germany don’t drink tap water, even though it is good quality and fine to drink. Everybody drinks sparkling water instead, so this showed me that book was probably on target.

In the bathroom the sink is huge and the toilet is attached to the wall. There are two buttons to press above it. After some trial, I think that one of the buttons is for a smaller flush and one is for a larger flush.

Some of the view…I will take more pictures when the light is better. It was really gray outside.

I am just enjoying the view.

Zach is trying to get an internet connection. (we ended up getting one just fine from the kitchen table, so I am posting from there, not the window. It would be pretty, but there is 4 story drop to the ground which is just begging for an expensive accident.)

Now, if anybody can tell me what this thing is, I would appreciate it. It is next to our door. (the top square toggle is like all of the light switches, but it doesn’t appear to go to anything. Not sure what the little box thing under it is)

posted in Attendorn, Food, Germany, Travel | 3 Comments

11th August 2008

The plane ride and the first drive.

The ride here was actually pretty decent. Both times it was too bumpy to read most of the time, although I did try anyway when the clouds made any sort of view impossible. ( looked like we were flying through cotton candy for a while).

We didn’t have any checked luggage (just our two rolling carry-on luggage, me with my purse, Zach with his computer case with the work laptop and our personal laptop.) The closest thing to a snag we had was a complaint that we are only supposed to have one laptop per case, but they let us go through because there were two people attached to the laptops (one laptop per person). We made sure we didn’t have to go back through security again so we didn’t take the chance of a problem. I really didn’t want to have to jam the personal laptop into my luggage and it certainly wasn’t going to fit into my purse.

The Dallas airport had these cool tram things. We walked down stairs from the airplane (which surprised me because it wasn’t a puddle hopper….the seats were 2 on one side, 3 on the other, a pretty big plane for going out of Wichita) and I had the daunting task of carrying my luggage down steep stairs. I am not known for my balance on stairs anyway and being stuck in the middle of people hauling a load like that made me a little nervous. We then walked over to this little tram thing which took us to the building. In the building we had to walk over to a little fixed track tram station and get on that to go to another building. It was sort of like an above ground subway. (keep in mind, I am from Kansas and the only time I have ever even seen public transportaion up live and in person was a New York City Subway….again, when I was on vacation, back in the late 80s). It went considerable faster than I was anticipating. Zane would have loved it, it resembled a flatter version of a roller coaster and was totally automated. The voice reminded us of the “jonny cab” from Total Recall. lol

I also had to take a lot of deep breaths and just go for it when faced with mountainous escalators with the rolling luggage. I was glad I didn’t have to deal with checked bags, but we were really not used to dealing with luggage at all.

At the airport Zach got some McDonalds, and I was happy to see a Smoothie King store because it takes me forever to eat something because I have to navigate around the landmines in my mouth right now. It took a long time to drink the smoothie too because it was so thick I was scared I was going to pop off the scabs and get dry socket in my mouth. I don’t have that many pain pills left. lol.

For the flight to Germany we were 3 rows from the very back of the plane, in the middle section. When we went to sit down, there was a dude in one of our seats who gave us the dirtiest look when he realized he wasn’t going to get to sit on the isle seat. He moved in to his seat, and not long after take off disappeared and never came back. (he found an empty isle seat in another row). That made the trip a little more pleasant because he seemed pretty grumpy.

We watched 3 movies on the plane…Prince Caspian, that Panda Kung Fu cartoon one (can’t remember the name) and Iron Man. It really helped pass the time. I also flipped to the “Flight” view and watched the plane move over the map, sort of like the flight view I watched when Zach’s plane was in the air from home. It was neat to see where we were, even if I couldn’t see out the window. There were some tense moments for me when I saw us turning around over Tennessee area. We couldn’t feel that we were turning around in the plane, but we were making a big loop. Then it circled back around and went back on the path. We flew over the southern US, then up the coast over New York and Boston (yeah, killing me that I couldn’t see out the plane) and on up the coast over Canada and those big island just off of Canada. The next time we were over land was Ireland, then England, then France and on to Frankfort. I asked the pilot why the loop as we deboarded and he said that they lost radio contact with Atlanta and wouldn’t let them fly through the airspace until they regained contact. So, no mechanical problems or threats (at least the explanation seemed reasonable and easily offered, so I will take him at his word).

We were jammed in there like sardines and there was no way we could sleep. One thing that sort of pissed me off was that everyone on the plane closed the freakin’ windows before it was even dark. I can guarantee you that if I sat near a window, it would not be closed as long as there was a view. What is the point of getting a window seat if you don’t look out the window? I got up and went “to the bathroom” a few more times than necessary just to go look out the little window in the back exit next to the flight attendant station. I am a dork.

Since we were clear in the back of the plane, it took forever to wait to get off the plane. It did finally give us a few moments to dig out the camera and snap a few pictures…

The airport, unlike Wichita and Dallas, was not nearly as upscale and modern, at least the part we saw wasn’t. It looked very institutional and it seemed like we wound through a lot of basement corridors. We got our passports stamped and went through the baggage claim area (we didn’t have to wait for bags though) and saw a guy standing there holding a sign for us. In the parking garage we got our first look at how different the cars are here. Almost no Fords or other American cars, but all of the cars that are expensive at home are all over the place here. There are also a lot of cars that we have never seen before in interesting shapes. (need to take pictures of the cars for my car-geek family)

Leaving the parking garage we finally go our first glance of Germany. It was drizzling and gray, much like Wichita was when we left. There are LOTS of trees here. A lot more than I am used to. It seemed like we were driving through a forest most of the time. I learned that the “autobahn” is not just one road (don’t know why I thought that, but I thought it was one road that you could drive really fast on) it is basically the same thing as our interstate highway, but you can drive really fast on it. In Frankfort the architecture didn’t look that much different than any large city, but as we drove the couple of hours to Attendorn, we began to see the skylines change a lot. Lot of white houses with interesting roofs and every so often a church steeple with gothic spires.

I am not sure if Attendorn is considered to be in mountains or foothills (if it is mountains, they are certainly not like Colorado’s mountains…they are rounder), but it is much more hilly than I was expecting. We went around an enormous lake with huge bridges spanning it every so often. A long bike path curved around with the road most of the way once we got off the highway.

Once in town, the driver made the comment “it isn’t hard to get around here” and both of us had the same thought…maybe not for you, but there isn’t a square corner anywhere and this has got to be the biggest maze of streets we could have ever imagined. It isn’t a big town, but everything seems to go in circles and normal sized streets suddenly give way to narrow one-car streets that have no logic, and he didn’t even slow down. Driving will be interesting.

The driver was very nice, but must have thought we were the biggest idiots in the world when we asked him how to get gas in the car. It is a diesel, and besides not being able to read the signs, we didn’t really know how the pumps worked or if we had to pay first or anything, so he took us to fill it up with gas before dropping us off in the hotel. By the way he was answering our question I think he didn’t think we knew what “diesel” was. I know what diesel is, but I am not used to seeing it at a typical gas station. (farmer’s co-ops have diesel, but not the local Quick Trips/7-11 type places) lol. I knew it was very bad to put regular gas in a diesel and wanted to make sure we didn’t make that, very expensive, mistake.

posted in Attendorn, Germany, Travel | 1 Comment

10th August 2008

International Travelers!

We made it.  I am blogging from Germany.  We just figured out how to get an internet connection, so we should be able to get a webcam going with the kids when they get up later today.  (it is just about 7am back home).  Right now we are exhausted and hungry, so we are going to find someplace to eat.  Hopefully we can stay awake a bit longer so we can get on Germany time and not screw up our sleep schedules for when he goes to work tomorrow.  We are at the 24 hour awake mark about now, and we only had about 3 hours of sleep the night before, so we are really dragging.

The flights were good and uneventful.  The drive here was beautiful.  The suite we were booked in was a shock…we were expecting a king bed, but not a suite.  Pictures to come later, when I can focus well enough to get some pictures on here. 

Off to find food.  Bye for now!

posted in Attendorn, Germany, Travel | 2 Comments

8th August 2008

Nose fun

I have discovered the wonders of a Neti Pot. I got it a while ago but something about the idea of pouring water in my nose made me really nervous to try it. Well, my dr. advised that I use a neti pot to help clear out my sinuses and my dad pointed out that the nasal spray that was prescribed to me would work a lot better if I cleaned out my sinuses first. So, I looked up the recipe on the net (from Dr Oz’s information from the Oprah show where he showed how to use one), pulled out the pot and finally just did it. You know what…it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be while doing it, and I felt so much better afterwards. I felt enough better that I think it is worth packing the thing when I go to Germany.

Today I decided to put my salt into the vitamix dry blender and grind it finer so that it dissolved easier. I was shocked to see how fine of a powder that salt could be made into. It worked wonderfully.

Thank goodness I have people around me not on pain meds because I didn’t really think much of the possible consequences of packing a white powder in a baggie and putting it in my luggage for an international trip. It wouldn’t be helped one bit by my explanation of “I use it for my nose”. My mom pointed out that I should probably just buy some salt there, and LEAVE IT THERE instead of being all frugal and bringing it back with me. It would suck to end up in Guatamano Bay for packing salt on an overseas flight.

I can just hear it now:
Cellmate: What are you in for?
Me: pot possession with a salt (read that aloud for the full effect)

posted in Health, Travel | 1 Comment

4th August 2008

Busy, Busy, BUSY, Blah

Well, I feel better than I did feel. I don’t feel 100%. Yesterday our insurance kicked back in (YEAH!!!), so today I took my aching mouth to the dentist expecting a root canal. Nope. Needs to be pulled. The cavity is down to the bone. Probably why it hurt so much. The tooth next to it needs to go too..it was an old root canal that we couldn’t afford to cap and has now deteriorated past the point of repair. At least that one doesn’t hurt. I have been dealing with this tooth in agony for two months and I am SO HAPPY that it will be on the road to feeling better soon.

I also discovered, when the took the x-rays, that my sinuses are so full that they look like bone instead of clear sinus space on the x-rays. Walked over to my doctor, next door, and dropped off a picture of the x-ray and have an appointment for tomorrow, after the extraction. The dentist said that my massive sinus junk is probably aggravating the already horrible cavity even more. No wonder I felt like I was hurting so badly.

Potty training actually went backwards with Zane. He went from being ok with changing diapers, to refusing to let us change him and refusing to change himself (when it is just wet, of course). I had lined up a friend to watch Zora tomorrow and Wed, possibly Thursday so I could sit with him in the bathroom all freakin’ day with no interruption to try and get over the hump, but no dice. I am going to have to cancel tomorrow because of the tooth, and I am wondering if I am going to be able to handle potty training boot camp while I am trying to heal from all of this crap. I don’t know what to do. I want to make it easier for my mom when she watches the kids because she has gotten nailed with so much other stuff of late, but I am not sure that it is even possible.

Went to the travel store today and got luggage straps, locks, some electrical thing, and a fanny pack thing for Zach and a purse for me. The only purse I have opens on it’s own on a regular basis, which is bad enough locally, but a recipe for disaster on an international trip. Zach also went to Eddie Bauer and scored with a pair of Jeans for only $20. Now he has a pair that isn’t shredded at the bottom (his clogs eat his pants…he stopped wearing them with nice pants, but the damage was done)

My sweet little tornado girl.  Doesn’t she look innocent?

posted in Autistic Life, Health, Me, Shopping, Travel | Comments Off

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