Sunday May 14, 2006
A mutual friend of ours, also very close to her, hosted a baby shower. It is her fourth child, the first one from her second marriage, and the first boy. Her husband will be a first time biological father (although he has been a great step-dad for years already). The baby will have almost as many “Z’s” in his name as my kids do. lol.
Zora was a bit cranky much of the time due to teething, and probably gas, so she wasn’t always the most photogenic.
The guest of honor
Her oldest daughter, the flower girl at my wedding
Her second daughter
The youngest daughter
The party
Zora testing out one of the gifts
Zane found a keyboard.
The computer nerds avoiding the crowds.
( Zyg is a UNIX programmer, among other things….I am guessing the conversation was in a foreign language for us mere mortals. lol )
The momt-be-again looks absolutely glowing! LOL At the computer programmers Zora’s facial expressions are priceless.
Zora is such a doll! I love her little dress.