Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday May 13, 2006

13th May 2006

Saturday May 13, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Ways I suck

1.  still haven’t made a birth announcement for Zora. 

2. still haven’t completed all of the thank you notes for baby shower and other birth gifts for Zora.  I have some of them done, but I don’t want to send them out until they are all done because I am afraid of sending them twice or missing somebody. 

I feel like such a loser for being so behind on this stuff.  It is too that point now that I feel sick when I think about it, which just makes it worse to try and do it.  Ugh.  I have improved in so many areas in life, but sending stuff like that still hits my perfectionist gene too hard.  (the part of me that can’t stand to do something unless I can do it right, therefore making the project a million times more complex, and putting a ton of pressure on myself, and then making it worse because I have added procrastination to the mix too)

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 13th, 2006 at 2:11 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “Saturday May 13, 2006”

  1. 1 On May 13th, 2006, Bex80 said:

    Could you make a list and then cross of who you’ve sent a note to as you mail it? That’s what I did this time and it was really helpful. I can completely relate to how you are feeling!! I do the same thing with perfectionism/procrastination. It still haunts me that I didn’t finish Austin’s thank you notes from when he was born.

    I think you are doing awesome! You have had a lot on your plate since Zora was born…

  2. 2 On May 13th, 2006, juliepersons said:

    ug, I know how you feel. sigh.

    you HAVE had a lot on your plate!!!! Don’t be too hard on yourself


  3. 3 On May 13th, 2006, tatiana622 said:

    Totally right there in the car with you, mama…At the moment, I’ve misplaced my address book, so I have no addresses for the notes I have written to the people who gave me such nice birthday presents a month ago. So there they sit, on my dresser, waiting patiently for addresses.

    But you, my friend, do have a lot on your plate, so I hereby give you permission to be easy with yourself.

  4. 4 On May 13th, 2006, mattswifey_sophiasmommy said:

    You have a lot going on righ now.  Don’t be too hard on yourself.  Don’t tell, but I haven’t done Sophia’s announcements either, and I’ve had one more day than you   So you are definately not alone.  Here’s to hoping you can get caught up and crazy stuff stops happening.  Hope you have a great day!

    God Bless!

  5. 5 On May 13th, 2006, SouloG said:

    1. You absolutely, positively, most definitely DO NOT SUCK!

    2. There is so much going on for everyone in your family right now.  I highly doubt any of your loved ones is upset about not yet receiving a birth announcement or thank you.

    3. I got married in December and just now finished my thank yous for the wedding gifts (insert sheepish smilie here), so you are definitely not alone.

    4. Hang in there, don’t stress too much, and enjoy your Mother’s Day!

  6. 6 On May 14th, 2006, Jessemommy said:

    YOu do not suck! You do so much! From one procrastinator to another I do feel your pain though.

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