Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday November 25, 2006

25th November 2006

Saturday November 25, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

We have done the bulk of our Christmas shopping for the kids.  (which is the bulk of the shopping).  Made the ‘leftover casserole’ today with the last of the Thanksgiving dinner.  (gravy, turkey, a bag of veggies and some cheese…pretty tasty) This evening we hope to put up the Christmas tree. 

My cough has gotten annoying enough that I spent the night on the couch last night.  The night before I had to leave the bedroom because I kept waking everybody up, so last night, we planned it, so I could have a blanket and some pillows and sleep sitting up.  (as long as I remaining vertical, the cough is only annoying)  So, I am not getting stellar sleep, but it was better last night than the night before.

I really like shopping online.  My folks said it was ok if we delivered everything out there so I don’t have to try and hide boxes coming in the door.  We refer to their front rooms as “Santa’s storage shed”.  lol.  Either we will head out there on Christmas Eve, or they will visit us, although considering the only way we could do it is if we didn’t have anybody else in the car except the driver (our trunk is pitiful), I am guessing they will come here barring illness.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 25th, 2006 at 5:49 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 5 responses to “Saturday November 25, 2006”

  1. 1 On November 25th, 2006, SereneTabbie said:

    I love online shopping too :) Something about getting boxes and packages just pleases me to no end. Hope your cough clears up… I am getting one and it is very very annoying. I make the same casserole!

    BTW, thanks so much to you and Mr Z for helping out with the MDC HH list… it’s awesome and easy to navigate!

  2. 2 On November 25th, 2006, ShackintheMountains said:

    I hope your cough gets better.  Those nighttime coughs are killer. 

    Shopping online is my favorite way to shop these days.  I like sitting on my butt in the comfort of my own home much more than dragging it out to a store around tons of people.  You can’t beat shopping in your pj’s. 

  3. 3 On November 26th, 2006, Overproducktion said:

    Ugh, sorry about coughing, but yay for getting most of the shopping done!

  4. 4 On November 26th, 2006, tatiana622 said:

    Yeah, I usually do most of my shopping online–my Friday experience was more related to sales, and actually seeing what I was missing.

    Sorry about your cough–I have a sore throat that is just annoying enough to keep me awake throughout the night, but nothing more than that. I really wish it would go away. Feel better!

  5. 5 On November 27th, 2006, feebeeglee said:

    Wow, I just noticed that today, Zane’s age is 4y 11m 0d and Zora’s is 0y 11m 4d.

    I know you’re as geeky as I am and will find that nifty!

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