Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday January 31, 2007

31st January 2007

Wednesday January 31, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |


I have a serious love/hate relationship with this thing.  I love that it helps Zane and keeps him from chewing holes in his clothes or chewing his fingernails bloody, but dang I hate the thing too.  I went ahead and bought them in bulk so I wasn’t tearing apart the apartment in search of the one that he had whenever he would put it down and start putting holes in his shirt again.  They are everywhere now.  Fortunatly, he is learning to modify his behavior away from self injury and property damage, but I hate that he needs this so bad.  Ugh.  As if we weren’t getting enough “looks” when out and about anyway.  Oh well. 

At least his teachers and therapists are supportive and are working with him on learning when he needs to pull it out of his mouth (like when he needs to speak, especially when working on articulation issues) so that is a plus. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 31st, 2007 at 2:48 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Wednesday January 31, 2007”

  1. 1 On February 1st, 2007, BeemerLand said:

    Just wanted you to know that I subscribed because I’m trying to get to know other parents of children with Autism. Have a good day,

    Amber – Beemer’s Mom

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