Taking the Scenic Route

Friday October 8, 2004

8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |

Do you all remember how the Repubes loudly accused Kerry of cheating in the first debate?  (he brought his own pen in)  In the “thou dost protest too much” column, it now appears that Bush has been WIRED.  Ironically, the best photos we have showing a probable reciever box under his suit come from Fox News Channel, who shot the backs of the candidates even though it was against the rules set forth by the candidates.  All the cameras were to be from the front and at least one of the candidates did not want the cameras to show the non-talking candidate, only the one speaking.  CSPAN told them to forget it, they were going to do a split screen viewing despite the rules.  (a lot more fun to watch than the normal one-at-a-time too because you get to see how they listen.)

I remember at one point in the debate he said something to the effect of “no, no, let me finish” when nobody was visibly speaking to him.  I was like “dude, who are you talking to?”, but just chalked it up to an obvious nervousness or inablitly to speak well in public.  I will sure be watching tonight.  I read someplace that is why his eyes are wondering all over the place because it is hard not to move your eyes around when being spoken to.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 8th, 2004 at 8:55 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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  • Zane is 23 years, 2 months, and 17 days old
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  • A wise man once told me that we are all God in drag. I like that. Sometimes when I’m in a public place or sitting at a stop light, I’ll watch people walking by and I’ll silently say to myself, “He’s God. She’s God. He’s God. She’s God.” Before long I always find myself feeling a warm sense of affinity for these strangers. The experience is even more powerful when I do this while observing a person who is clearly suffering. On occasion I’ll test my little spiritual practice by turning on Fox News. Within minutes I become an atheist. — Chuch Lorre Productions, #240

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