Taking the Scenic Route

Friday December 23, 2005

23rd December 2005

Friday December 23, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Zach here (still feeling whooped, but have 5 hours of sleep now)

Still haven’t pinned the name down, though we feel pretty certain what
we’ll choose.  Probably tomorrow.  Zane is still sick. 
Has had a fever up and down all day.  Nothing over 101, but still
worrisome (especially when combined with an occasional cough). 
Hope that he gets over the fever part by tomorrow or so, and that I
don’t get it as well. ack.  Zane is up now playing piano and
putting together puzzles.  He has finally eaten a bunch of food
and consumed some water and juice.  Yeh.  That’s why I think
we’re at the end of it now.  Hopefully, more sleep tonight will
bring his health back into alignment.  Vitamins, food, and fluids.

Stats on (our unnamed baby girl):

Yes! She is still a girl after delivery.  I say this, because the
other stats that the “entertainment” sonogram people gave were most
likely off (like her weight at 29 weeks being almost 4 lbs….I have my

Sorry.  These are the stats you’re looking for:

born 7:48am
4 lbs 8.7 oz
17 inches

curly hair on head.
eating and breathing normally…in fact, exceptionally.

did I mention…

Momma is doing excellent.  Feeling has returned, and she is able to sit up (has been for a little while now).

Baby takes to nursing, like fish to water.  Nurses are commenting
that they should elect our baby girl to go show the other babies on the
ward how to do it.

She appears to be as fully developed as a 40-weeker, with the exception
of her weight.  I believe she’s pretty tall for a 4 1/2 -

I really hated leaving the hospital without my wife and baby
girl.  They’ll be back here in no time.  Basically, everyone
is doing exceptionally well.  Thanks for all the warm wishes,
support, and congratulations.  Will post more as more is
available….pictures and news.

Til then:  Be well, live long, and may the force be… awww nevermind.  :D


The C went smoothly, and didn’t take long to perform.  Jennifer’s
BP was maintained within normal levels, and the entire experience was
at least 300x better than her previous one.  I was suprised how
quickly it was performed, and how smoothly (without any
complications).  Nice.  Also, unlike her previous experience,
they cleaned her up soon afterwards so she wouldn’t have that brownish
sterilizing fluid (iodine?) covering her abdomen.  She is a much
happier woman this time around.  Last time I talked to her, she
was sleepy and was about to take a nap before the next nursing. 
She had been awake longer than me (at that time) @ 25 hours+.

So, here’s to a good night rest and everyone feeling healthy and refreshed tomorrow.

This entry was posted on Friday, December 23rd, 2005 at 10:26 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “Friday December 23, 2005”

  1. 1 On December 23rd, 2005, nolamomma said:

    Congratulations! And I completely agree… she is beautiful!

  2. 2 On December 23rd, 2005, mamafish said:

    There is no way she’s a preemie – I would have never guessed based on either of those pics – glory be to God.

  3. 3 On December 23rd, 2005, beanmama said:

    Woo HOOOO!!! OMG, she is absolutely spectacularly beautiful!!!! Congratulations to you all and a special special Christmas.

  4. 4 On December 24th, 2005, bionicsquirrel said:

    Thank you so much for the update, Zac.  Wonderful to hear that the c-sec went smoothly and Jennifer is content.  This is such a blessed day.  I cry everytime I look at that wonderful pic.  Crazy that she is only 41/2 lbs, she looks so chubby. ((hugs)) and happy holidays.

  5. 5 On December 24th, 2005, Jessemommy said:

    And also with you!

    Congratulations Jennifer and Zach! She is beautiful! I would have said so earlier but I had no free hands. I’m so glad to hear everything went that smoothly and you have a happy mama and baby nursing like it’s nothing, yay! Give it three weeks and she’ll be even chubbier She is a “big” 4.5 lbs.

    I find feveres tend to spike again at night, even when you think the whole illness is over (wer’e sick here too, fun), I”m sure he’ll be better really soon.

  6. 6 On December 24th, 2005, mischievium said:

    I am so glad that Jennifer had a more “peaceful” delivery this time and thrilled to hear that your daughter is nursing (and breathing, etc…) well, that is really terrific for a 35 weeker!

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 11 months, and 25 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 11 months, and 29 days old
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  • You can’t degeekify the geeks, but you can be a polite geek — Temple Grandin, PhD, Autistic

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