Taking the Scenic Route

Thursday December 22, 2005

22nd December 2005

Thursday December 22, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Honestly, I am not complaining here, I just figure that someday I can hope to look back and laugh at this.

This is probably going to be “Too Much Information”…

I am hoping it is something I ate and we aren’t all getting sick here.  Zach and I are both having some intestinal distress, mostly excessive gas.  With Zach, that isn’t too bad, other than discomfort.  For me, I had an episode last night where I spent a good hour in the bathroom because I had intestinal cramps, at times so bad that I was trying to decide if I was going into labor or not.  I started doing that fun ‘every pore in my body is spewing sweat and I felt like I was going to pass out’ thing.  Zach stood in the door fanning me with a book to help me cool off and keep me from passing out.  Eventually he ran and got the fan and blasted in directly on me, which worked better for both of us.  Eventually I started throwing up rather violently (you know, potty chairs are kind of handy for that…lol…they even have a pour spout).  You know your husband loves you when he not only notices your hair is getting hit (I was too sick to care at that point), and not only holds it out of the way, but manages to get a ponytail holder and put it in a ponytail.  Then, he grabs me a new bowl and disposes of the old one.  I am not sure I could have done the same without losing the contents of my stomach, especially since he was feeling great either. 

After a while sitting there for a while, I noticed my feet and hands were getting red from sitting there too long, so I crawled into the bathtub so I could stretch out and still have containment in case I couldn’t get up in time.  Funny note here I will get back to…I noticed the tub seemed really sticky.  After a while I started feeling better, relatively speaking.  I stopped sweating and it just went to moderate pain that could be attributed to gas and possibly strained muscles from throwing up like that.  I sat on the toilet for a while longer  (um, why is the seat sticking to my butt?), but when nothing was happening, I decided to take a shower.

Here is where it gets a bit entertaining.  I turn on the shower and as the water hits the tub there are bubbles EVERYWHERE.  The entire bathtub fills with bubbles!  That is when I notice the container of “Mr Bubbles” (we got as a treat for Zane for when I am in the hospital) is empty.  At some point, Zane found the bubbles and dumped the entire bottle into the empty tub.  lol.  I guess we need to put the Bubbles up a little higher when we get them again.

I did end up staying up for a while to make sure I wasn’t going into labor.  My stomach was hard as a rock, but it was constant, so I think it was just too much gas.  It isn’t very comfortable, but not nearly as bad today.

All three of us started coughing last nigh.  I wasn’t coughing very much, but with my abdomen feeling like it does, I certainly felt every one of them.  However, all three of us are doing better since we got up.  I couldn’t sleep, so as soon as I got up, I put a pot of water on to boil.  By the time the guys got up I wasn’t coughing any more, and I noticed that they also stopped.  Hopefully it was just the result of too dry of air and we aren’t getting sick.  

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 22nd, 2005 at 1:37 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Thursday December 22, 2005”

  1. 1 On December 22nd, 2005, Bex80 said:

    What an episode! You’ve got a great hubby, there, btw. I hope you feel better today, mama. And I had to lol about the bubbles. Thinking of you and your impending arrival tomorrow!

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years, 2 months, and 10 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 2 months, and 14 days old
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  • You know, you don’t have to look like everybody else to be acceptable and to feel acceptable. — Fred Rogers

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