Friday December 9, 2005
We did end up making a trip to the Dr office today. I haven’t had as much fetal movement and they ran a NST (Non Stress Test….I just lie there and have monitors hooked up like when you are in labor). The baby wasn’t moving around a lot, but had good accelerations and heartbeat and such, so all is well. The first time they tried to take my blood pressure it was pretty bad, but for a reason. The end of the table slipped out farther and she was trying to get it pushed back in while I held my legs in the air out of the way for her. Plus, we were talking back and forth when it happened. When my BP came back 160/95 we both agreed we should probably take it again. lol. It was 139/88, or something like that….not great, but not horrible either, especially considering it was right after the ‘excitement’.
I did sort of have to laugh at myself though when I realized that the reason I was going in was because, essentially, I wasn’t uncomfortable enough (wasn’t getting kicked in the ribs or the bladder/cervix) and I didn’t wake up to pee in the middle of the night. Those are not things a 34 week pregnant person usually would ‘complain’ about. He was totally supportive of me coming in and said not to hesitate to call over the weekend if I got concerned again or had any questions. He did tell me I needed to up my intake of water. I am wondering if turning the heater on is just drying me out a lot faster than normal.
Zane’s Day
Mom & Dad came to town to pick Zane up and ‘give us a break’. Well, we ended up going to the dr. during most of the break, but that was less stressful than it would have been had they not been there, so it was good.
Zane went with them to pick up some parts, which included walking around looking at the big tractors, graders, and construction equipment (they went to the caterpillar dealer…my dad does road maintenance for the township so I assume that is what the part was for). They also got to watch a train go by (rolling down the windows so he could hear it too), which thrilled Zane. Then to Wal-mart, then Arby’s for supper, and then Sams for shopping. When they came back here, we were home. Zane showed grandpa how to play a game on the Nintendo 64 while Mom & we talked.
Now, we need to go through the bins of Zane’s old clothes and put the infant car seat out in our car. No more adults sitting in the back seat from now on.