20th December 2008

Two players?

This is one of Zane’s first phrases, and it has stayed this way since he first uttered them.  It is his way of asking somebody to play with him, usually a game of some sort.

Today when Zach and I were standing in the kitchen talking after he got home from work, we hear an enthusiastic voice ask “TWO PLAYERS!” and, without missing a beat, I said “please wait a minute Zora, we are talking right now”, and continued on for another three words and suddenly Zach and I realized that it was the wrong kid using the phrase and just started laughing so hard. 

She is going to grow up bilingual…english and zane-ish.  ;-)

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 20th, 2008 at 6:50 AM and is filed under Echolalia, Language Development, Zora. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “Two players?”

  1. 1 On December 20th, 2008, feebee said:

    Ha, that’s great!

    Trixie and Gilbert both speak in Bedeish as well as English.

  2. 2 On December 21st, 2008, Jesse said:

    LOL that’s so cute! :laughn1:

  3. 3 On December 22nd, 2008, Mia said:

    That is very cute…I love how families have their own little languages and phrases that they all know what it means, but no one else does…

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 11 months, and 25 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 11 months, and 29 days old
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  • If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality — Desmond Tutu

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