Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday February 20, 2005

20th February 2005

Sunday February 20, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Woo Hoo!

It isn’t law yet, but it is expected to pass.  You better believe I was writing my reps to show support for the law.  I was also thrilled to see in the second section, it doesn’t put a limit on the ages (by saying it is ok to feed an ‘infant’ or anything like that).  It specifically talks about the rights of the mother in the second section, and describes the benefits in the first section.  Yeah!


This entry was posted on Sunday, February 20th, 2005 at 1:37 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Sunday February 20, 2005”

  1. 1 On February 20th, 2005, home.aspx?user=LynnE73 said:


  2. 2 On February 20th, 2005, home.aspx?user=feebeeglee said:

    Yay! We just got one here to keep nursing moms off jury duty if they desire. :thumb

  3. 3 On February 20th, 2005, home.aspx?user=New_Day said:

    great! what a relief for bf moms!

  4. 4 On February 21st, 2005, home.aspx?user=Nemmer said:

    Cool!  I was hoping it was Federal for a second, lol.  But that’s great!!

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