Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday February 16, 2005

16th February 2005

Wednesday February 16, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Zane antics

Zane jumps on his little foam chair, bounces off, hits his chin against the train table.  Bleeding and crying ensues.  After about 30 seconds of daddy, wants to be held by mommy who is trying to assess if there is any real damage…gets tired of mama trying to look at his chin, wants down.  Goes back to chair, starts bouncing. (mom and dad look at each other like “you have got to be kidding me”)  Throws gigantic tantrum when we tell him to jump on the floor, sit on the chair.  How do these creatures make it to adulthood?!?

Zane was sitting at the table, eating his yogurt with a spoon in one hand, looking at a ‘Little People” with the other.  I sit down to make a phone call.  I look up mid-conversation to see him dipping the Little People guy into the yogurt and then sucking the yogurt off, still holding the spoon in the other hand.

Zane also entertained himself today by taking all the tops of the trees that go with his train set, and then trying to replace the leaves with bananas.  He was poking the bananas pieces into the tree trunks, but when the fell off, it would tick him off and he would smash them into the train tracks.  Yeah, mama had fun cleaning up that mess.  *note to self:  follow him when he takes banana in the other room, and don’t leave him alone for 3 minutes*

Always entertaining around these parts!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 16th, 2005 at 3:28 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Wednesday February 16, 2005”

  1. 1 On February 16th, 2005, home.aspx?user=ladyjabez said:

    You should write a book someday…. you definately have plenty of good material!

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