Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday June 7, 2005

7th June 2005

Tuesday June 7, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Sorry I haven’t been posting much.  I am just really tired.  I have mostly been sitting or laying down for the last couple of weeks because when ever I do something I get crampy and feel really sick. I think Zane has seen more videos in the last 3 weeks or so than he has his entire life. 

I have only spotted once, and called the dr., but I stopped.  He basically just wants me to stay laying down / sitting and not doing anything until we get to 12 weeks at least.  Then we will see.  This is a hard pregnancy.  I am already tired of bedrest…I hope it won’t be for the entire 9 months. 

My house is really a mess.  I hate it. H.A.T.E. I.T.  Zach is busy and can only do so much.  Zane is, well, a 3 yo who is bored because Mama isn’t up and about.  Finances really suck too, which isn’t really helping.  (like, when dh gets back from rehearsal tonight we are going to see if we can put together enough change to buy toilet paper kind of poor.  lol)  At least my folks are stepping in to fill in some of the gaps financially until Zach starts getting his paychecks from teaching.

Zach started teaching on Monday.  It went well.  He is happy about it.  He also got them to pay him just a little bit more.  ($200 more for the semester)  It isn’t a lot more, but every little bit helps.  He has a wife that is really good at writing letters explaining why he deserves to be paid more.  :D  We weren’t expecting to get another dime, so any amount is a victory for us.

He is “off book” for his part.  Yeah!  I am proud of him.  Hopefully the show will go on as scheduled this weekend.  (will be canceled if there are not enough reservations).  We could really use the tips for gas money!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 7th, 2005 at 8:55 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Tuesday June 7, 2005”

  1. 1 On June 8th, 2005, home.aspx?user=mamafish said:

    have you had your progesterone levels tested? you sound just like I felt before I went on progesterone.

  2. 2 On June 8th, 2005, home.aspx?user=feebeeglee said:

    Well (she said, looking at the less dark side) it would only be like to 36 weeksish.

    OK, that’s no help, huh?

    Sorry yer so broke. Us too. SSSV, someday we won’t be this po’.

    Love you sweetie, thinking of you.

  3. 3 On June 8th, 2005, home.aspx?user=Jennifer_Z said:

    I am on progesterone because my progesterone level is too low.  My original dosage was 2 pills a day, but he has given me the ok to take more when I feel crampy.  It knocks me out & makes me feel really awful, but it is worth it to stop cramping. 

  4. 4 On June 8th, 2005, home.aspx?user=mamafish said:

    I never thought about the prog. making me tired, I just figured it was pregnancy tiredness.

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