Taking the Scenic Route

Baby Bell Cheese.

19th November 2009

Baby Bell Cheese.

posted in Art, Giggle, Zora |

First, I have to say I really love these little cheeses. They taste a lot like I remember Pioneer Cheese Factory (Moundridge, KS) store smelling whenever we used to go there for a treat after doctor’s appointments. I have wonderful memories of cases of various cheese, and my most favorite cheese of all, fresh cheese curds. YUM!

Anyway, back to the subject, they are good little cheese treats. My mom bought some and gave me a big handful of those adorable little cheese wheels. I was delighted that my kids, especially Zora, seemed to really love them. Then I came to realize why Zora was going through them at a quick pace. She needed the art supplies.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 7:12 PM and is filed under Art, Giggle, Zora. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 6 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years and 10 days old
  • Random Quote

  • Autism is a continuum from genius to extremely handicapped. If you got rid of all the autism genetics, you’d get rid of scientists, musicians, mathematicians. Some guy with high-functioning Asperger’s developed the first stone spear; it wasn’t developed by the social ones yakking around the campfire. The problem is, you talk to parents with a low-functioning kid, who’ve got a teenager who still goes to the bathroom in his pants and who’s biting himself all the time. This guy destroys the house, and he’s not typing, no matter what keyboards you make available. His life is miserable. It would be nice if you could prevent the most severe forms of nonverbal autism.” — Temple Grandin, PhD, Autistic

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