Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday August 1, 2004

1st August 2004

Sunday August 1, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |

Spent Saturday cleaning.  Took out nearly 20 bags of trash, most of it crap we had moved with…literally crap.    One entire bag of phone books (that sucker was HEAVY), a bag or two of old telephone and cable wires….not stuff you can use, old stuff, homework assignments from the mid 90s.  I am so irritated to realize I have moved with this junk, a number of times.  We are giving away a few boxes of VHS tapes to a friend….much of which is recorded off STNG, Sliders and other various shows that we thought were important at one point in our life.  There are several bags of baby clothes I am giving away, most of it was given to me and much of it is stuff I didn’t use with Zane because it fit oddly or was just strange, some sposies that got left in diaper bags over the years past the time when they fit Zane, my bottle stuff (matches her pump…which she let me use when I needed it), crib mobile, freebie diaper bags, and that wedge thingy to keep a newborn from rolling over…stuff they need and have no money for.  Now the 3 or 4 rubbermaid tubs I sent back with my folks to store are things I know I will actually use, unless we have a girl, then some of it will only be used at home.  Now, I just have to get pregnant.  *sigh* 

I also gave away 3 bags of clothes through freecycle, have somebody coming to pick up 2 nursing shirts in the afternoon today, and have somebody coming to get the diaper genie (freecycle again) in the afternoon also.  Even if I do, for some unkown reason, decide to use disposables again, I just don’t like doing the diaper sausage…it was so much more trouble than it was worth it to me…I can toss it in a trash can one handed.  Since our freecylce lets you choose who you want to give it to (not a first come, first serve), I was able to give it to somebody who really needed it.  I know for me, even goodwill/VA prices can be too much, so I wanted to give it to somebody directly who really needed it and might not have that option. 

Hopefully, by the end of the week, we will have a 2 bedroom apartment instead of a 1 bedroom with storage and a little play area.  I don’t mind storing stuff, and I do a LOT better than I used to with hoarding, but I also have a ways to go.  The things you find sentimental are the things you use (with a few notable exceptions….wedding dress, baby’s first outfit, ect), not things that sat in storage.  We started trying to keep one “sentimental” box and go through it every once in a while.  Anything that we can’t figure out why we are keeping it/what it is, we toss.  lol….obviously, it wasn’t as important as we thought it was.  I do still have every peice of writing, artwork, and love letter that either Zach or I have done since we have been together.  it is fun to look at that stuff. 

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