Taking the Scenic Route

Bubble mower and other neat things

1st August 2004

Bubble mower and other neat things

posted in Uncategorized |

From Friday

Zane decided he wanted to carry daddy’s book bag around the apartment.  It actually is pretty heavy.


From Saturday Night

Zane ready for Grandma’s birthday party.  The shirt was from Grandpa Z (Zach’s dad).  Zach also got a Hawian print shirt that sort of matches that he wore.   


We went to Carrabbas to celebrate my Mom’s birthday and Zach’s graduation.  Steve & Joy came too.

Zane wouldn’t do his repertoire of songs, but he did do some counting for us.  He also read all the letters off of a sign in the window while we were waiting for a table.

He loved the rigatoni with a tomato sauce.  He skipped the meatballs and chicken to eat the rigatoni, which was a switch.  For a while he entertained himself by fishing ice cubes out of my ice tea.  lol.  He also scarfed down my tiramisu as fast as he could.  I don’t think I have ever eaten tiramisu as fast as I did to keep him from having as big of a sugar high.  lol. 

After dinner, Steve and Joy got the bubble mower out that was supposed to be for 4th of July.  Zane loved it!  Instead of pushing it himself, he lead Steve and Joy to the handle to push it for him so he could chase bubbles.  It was neat to see them interacting so much.

One other really neat thing, he called my mom “Grandma” and Steve said he heard him call him “Uncle”.  I am so excited to see his language developing!

Zane watching carefully as Steve fills the tank with bubble liquid.


Sweet Aunt Joy making some bubbles too.


This entry was posted on Sunday, August 1st, 2004 at 1:39 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Bubble mower and other neat things”

  1. 1 On August 2nd, 2004, home.aspx?user=LikeWowMom said:

    He is so cute! Congrats on the language development! My 15mo is now saying “uh oh.” Woohoo!

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years, 2 months, and 10 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 2 months, and 14 days old
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