Thursday September 22, 2005
A nice, quiet evening over here. Zane & Zach played a construction type game on the computer for a while, then they worked together to build a great train track. Zane is now happily playing with his trains. Zach is getting ready to make a run to the grocery store to pick up a few items to make our 6 cheese crabmeat lasagna. We are going to throw some spinach in it this time, which should be really good.
I just watched “Dancing with the Stars, dance off” and am just so happy for John. He should have won the first time! He has such a neat personality and just dreamy as anything. Such a personality!
I just got a phone call from my neighbor while I was typing. Small interruption to my evening. She is wondering if I can watch her 3 month old while she, her dh and her 17mo go to pick up a bed frame. I love kids, but this one is constantly puking up formula and it just makes me sort of ill. I really don’t understand why they can’t take both kids, but oh well. I am not good at saying ‘no’ and it shouldn’t take them too long. (I hope). Gosh, I hope she feeds him before they leave. I don’t have any desire to deal with the stanky smelling formula. How somebody could purposely choose to formula feed over breast feed is beyond me. Ok…I will stop bitching now. *sigh*
I hear ya, I can’t stand the smell of formula – icky.