Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday September 4, 2005

4th September 2005

Sunday September 4, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Good day today.  We met mom and dad at Sam’s so they could do their shopping.  Zane really loves going shopping with them, and especially loves to help unload and then reload the cart when paying for it.  He takes the items from the cashier and enthusiastically stacks them in the cart.

After Sams we went to Braums.  He sat very well, ate all his burger, then grandma went and got him his first official ice cream cone.  He very carefully held it out in front of him all the way back to the table, then shivered every time he licked the cone.  He kept holding his tongue in between bites.  It was declared “very cold”.  lol.  After he had enough of the ice cream, he went to the play structure.  For a while it was just he and grandma in there and they danced and did rhythmic things with the balls.  After a while, a few girls (4 & 5yo) and their dad joined them and he got more brave following them through the tubes.  When he was in the ball pit, the window to the pit looked out on to the table and he declared “that’s grandpa there!”  very cute.

Now back at home I am on my 6th attempt to figure out how to knit a pumpkin leaf.  I think my new plan of attack will work.  I have learned a lot in my attempts. What I really want to do is crawl in bed for an hour or two though.  I am so tired!


This entry was posted on Sunday, September 4th, 2005 at 8:31 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Sunday September 4, 2005”

  1. 1 On September 5th, 2005, that_0n3_g1rl said:

    Sounds like you had an eventful day! Hope everything is going well. I may have to go get some “very cold” ice cream now :P Have a good day!

    God bless you and yours,


  2. 2 On September 6th, 2005, SereneTabbie said:

    Sounds like a fun day! Where is there a Sam’s (I am thinking you are near me… or is that someone else?)? Did I congratulate you on your new blessing?? Well, CONGRATULATIONS!! I think I have a pumpkin leaf pattern around here somewhere if you want me to look for it…

  3. 3 On September 6th, 2005, SereneTabbie said:

    Hmmm, I think I am thinking of another MDC mama with a “Z” :p You guys are the Fisher Price little people Z’s :lol!

  4. 4 On September 6th, 2005, Jennifer_Z said:

    Yes, we are the Little People Z’s.  lol.  Although I have never been referred to that way, but I am pretty sure I know what the reference is to.

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