Happy New Year?
The last day of the year was one of those days were the kids were picking at eachother all day. So, in the evening, when they went downstairs to play before bed, I was happy to note that they seemed to be getting along better than they had all day. Then Zora came upstairs to get a drink of water, and she was covered from head to toe in little white balls. We followed the trail back to the downstairs bedroom and found Zane on the floor, making “snow angels” on the floor in the bajillion balls of a broken oversized bean bag chair. It was obvious, from the indentions, that Zora had been doing the same thing. It was well over 6 inches deep in places, and static electricity meant they were E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E
So, we brought the new year in with a vacuum cleaner.
Some day we will laugh. Some day.