Zach and Employment
In the past, when we called the temp agencies, we usually had to wait a week to call them back, and then maybe a week later they might call us to see if a particular job matched up. Yesterday afternoon at 2:30ish Zach called one of the temp places he has worked with before and left a message, called up another one, left a message, and got in touch with of a third one. By the time he got off the phone with the third one, he had emails from the first two, hadn’t even answered them, and he got a call back. And then another one. He ended up spending an hour talking to people and emailing things to people and had to wait to go out (he was planning on running to the store with Zora right after leaving messages) because it was almost time to go to Zane’s speech therapy. That was a surprise.
The two more solid leads sound like there is a job in Hutch, but the pay isn’t spectacular, although my folks would be beyond thrilled if we moved back there, so there is that benefit. (it is about an hour from here, so we could commute for a bit, but gas prices might make that a little dicey if the pay isn’t enough). There is another solid lead for a job downtown that sounds really promising. A good company, pretty good pay (not jaw dropping, but better than teaching), and it sounds like it would be a good match. (who would have guessed that C++, of all of his vast computer skills, would be the one that might get him a job) The sadly ironic part is that one of the things they would really like, that Zach doesn’t have, is the ability to speak German. German, of all things. lol. I am the only person in my family that doesn’t speak German, and I grew up in a community where the only language class available was German (no Spanish or anything else). I think I took Home-Ec, a totally useless waste of time for me (my skills were so much higher than what they taught it was beyond laughable), instead of German and I have been kicking myself for years. So, if we get that job, it will be motivation to finally learn German beyond food and hymns. lol.
Late last night Zach took some benchmark tests in C and C++ and got the results back today. He did very well. He is very proficent in C++, and considered a “Master” in C. He did better than 93% of the people that have ever taken the test and is considered to be somebody who can mentor others in C language. Not a surprise, but it feels good. The company downtown was quite pleased with the results and is fast tracking the application (according to the temp person), so it is looking hopeful.
So, even though the job we really want isn’t calling back, I am SO relieved to finally hear something back that sounds good. Neither of us want to move. We are rooted here and don’t want to go away from my folks because they are such good grandparents to our kids (and it is really nice to have family around…I would really miss that). The only job that would be worth moving for is the federal one, but if we can find a place here that fulfills our needs, then even that wouldn’t be as attractive.
Me, in which I realize I am a food snob
In the last few weeks, the budget has gotten so tight we are having to go back to shopping at Aldi’s and only shopping sales for meat. I hate having to go back to that. It is petty, but when I was going to the store, it really made me feel good to be able to buy what I was hungry for when I wanted it. It made me feel more normal, like we weren’t so dang poor any more. Well, even though I wasn’t going out and just being crazy about it, it was still killing our budget, especially when gas prices went up so much. So, I realized that I have to reign it back in and go back to my old skill set. I didn’t realize how important it had become to me to have the freedom to eat whatever fresh veggies, ect, appealed to me. I never wanted to step foot in Aldis again because it represents a time in my life when food was scarce and I lived in fear of not having enough (because sometimes there wasn’t enough).
However, we did it. As depressing as it is, it is really nice to be able to do it smoothly. Being able to cook at a really frugal level is a skill that I guess I haven’t lost. The nice thing is that we aren’t having to have meal after meal of beans and rice or white noodles or ramen noodles with no meat, not because we are vegetarian, but because we can’t afford it. This time, I am able to get some meat, just maybe not exactly what (or as much) I want, but it I am still able to make really good meals because I know how to cook from absolute scratch. (pretty much anything in a box or can is out for us anyway because I am allergic to onions). We cut out almost all of the snack foods, except a few select things for the kids (some cereal and pretzels) and it looks like I was able to stretch the budget enough that I only spent $100 in the last two weeks to feed my family, including at least one meal with meat every day, and I still have a few leftovers in the fridge for when the next paycheck starts tomorrow. I am proud of myself for sucking it up and pulling myself out of the shallow little pity party I was having for myself. It was stupid. Just because we have to be on a tight budget doesn’t mean we will suddenly have nothing. I know that is silly, but I felt like if we started living like that again, we would shoot back into being super poor again becuase it brought up so many old feelings. Not reasonable, but once I realized what was getting in the way, I was able to work through it and our lives are better for it.