IEP News
Much to my surprise and delight, the school they will probably want to send Zane to (assuming he qualifies…lol…shouldn’t be a problem, but they can’t guarantee it over the phone) is the one that I was recommended to fight for. Yeah! It has a good quality, well-developed program for kids with autism…one of the few bright spots in our school district. It also isn’t all the way across town either, so that is great. The school used to send the kids to a rather dismal autism classroom (had a less-than-stellar reputation), but this year is the last year that will be in existence. (had we pushed to have him in school this year, that is where he would have gone). So, good timing on our part.
When the person said we might not have the IEP in place before the school year started, I asked when it would be in place because I was not sending him to school until all of that is nailed down. She then said that they would see what they could do about expediating it then. lol. I think they don’t get funding for kids who aren’t in school the first 20 days, but by law, they would have to educate him according to the IEP, and that has a time limit for them to comply, and they saw themselves not having funding for a kid who was going to require more funds and decided that it was a good idea to get stuff in place. At any rate, it looks like I might still have to push a bit, but it might not be the full blown battle I was anticipating.
After talking to the school district I called one of my major contacts (the SLP clinical educator at the university) and talked to her about what had been said in the conversation and got some advice on how to handle some of the things they were suggesting (like, what to ask about if they want Rainbows to do the eval instead of them in an effort to hurry things along). She is such a great resource for me because she has been around the block enough to know how to get what we need. She also said that she is trying to get together a social skills group together for the summer, retaining some of what he is doing in preschool. I think it would be spectacular for him on two levels…one, that the program in and of itself will be good, but also that he will have some continuity in the school environment so it is easier for him to adjust in the fall. I am likely going to request the extended school year once he is in the schools, but I doubt I can get that in place for this summer. I am really glad we are in a private preschool right now because they can talk much more openly about what would be the best for him without having to censor themselves like a public school employee would.
A little crush
At night, among Zane’s “God blesses”, he almost always includes one particular name, a little girl in his class. When Zach asked if she was his best friend, he said “no”. He then asked who his best friend was, and Zane said it was “G—”, a little boy in his class (a bit of a wild child according to one of the teachers. lol). Then he asked if she was his ‘girlfriend’ and Zane, with a big grin, responded “YES!”. It was beyond adorable. The teacher said that this girl was a bit behind Zane in skills and they have noticed that he often goes and helps her with her PECs cards and will get her ‘woken up’ when she is starting to phase out. It is so charming to see him starting to have peer relationships. My little guy has a crush. ahhhh.
And, finally, the weather. blah
Well, I am not sure we are going to do the MCC Sale this year. It has been rainy and cold all day, and it looks like it is trying to turn to snow. Our backyard has water setting in it and it just keeps coming. I remember an MCC sale where I broke my sandal and burned the bottom of my feet on the pavement trying to get back to the car because it was so hot. This is just flat out weird to be this cold. If we had a better car, we would consider going just for a bit to eat, but I am not sure I want to be out on the road for that long of a trip in that car. Ticks me off. I already missed the Vernike and sausage and Zweibach (and poppyseed rolls, and cherry moos, and russian pancakes….oh gosh, now I am hungry and I just ate) last year, and now it looks like I am going to miss it again. Drat!
eta: As I see large flakes of snow falling down, I am so glad this wasn’t the weather 12 years ago or I would have been Fuhhh-REEEK-ing out in a major way. Our friends have a birthday party for their son tomorrow…I bet it is the first time they have ever had to consider cancelling because of SNOW. weirdness indeed.