Business name FAIL. You would think that if they were educated enough to be a CPA, they would have learned basic grammar rules. (or at least be smart enough to hire a proof-reader before choosing both your business name and the signage.)
Phoebe’s family invited us to join them for the annual “Ice Cream for Breakfast” Day. We did. I would love to say that we were being super healthy and made “ice cream” by blending yogurt with frozen strawberries, but actually, I just forgot to buy ice cream and that was the easy substitute. No noble crunchy intentions, just me being forgetful when shopping. lol.
To translate the Zaneish: “what do you need” is asking “what do you use to make the ice cream”
This semester we are, among other things, trying to get Zane to give imaginary names to things. So, during the craft they are asking him what the object is named. He usually responds with “Zane’s *craft*”. For instance, the groundhog mask, he would only say “Zane’s Groundhog Mask” and would look at you like you had two heads when you asked what the groundhog’s name was. Today, with some help, decided that today’s craft was a “snowman”, and that his name was “Frosty”.
I thought it was a pretty cute little guy.
Last week at the Autism parent’s meet-up the people next to me all had the most delicious looking/smelling pepperoni pizzas (Old Chicago…what they are known for). I have been craving pepperoni pizza ever since, like CRAZY craving it. Tonight we made a substitute that, although not exactly healthy, was yummy and low carb. Crustless pizza. lol. Take a pie plate, put pepperoni and cheese in it, put it in the oven until the top looks like it is supposed to, all bubbly and browned. All of the yum, none of the carbs. If we would have had tomato sauce, that would have been great as the first layer, but we didn’t, and I didn’t care, so we skipped it.
My more usual daily fare is a BIG A** SALAD, taking inspiration from Mark’s Daily Apple. Two Minute Salad Ultimate Salad Recipe
Earlier this fall we actually hunted down the “serving bowls” that match our wedding set and got two. I have this sensory thing that makes the sound of metal scraping metal almost intolerable to me, so eating giant salads out of my mixing bowls was about to do me in. It was worth it since we use them at least once a day, sometimes more.
In the warmer months, a salad is easier with such an abundance of fresh veggies. As winter winds down (and so does our pocketbook), we are reaching farther and farther into the pantry and freezer to find salad fixings, but it is still quite yummy. Krogers/Dillons had red roasted peppers in a jar on a great sale a few weeks ago, and I stocked up and am enjoying at least one big red pepper on there every day, along with sun dried tomatoes and either gorgonzola or bleu cheese. Add in some anchovies, leftover chicken or meat, or sardines (although the texture of sardines makes them a little tougher to eat), some balsamic vinegar and decent olive oil and it is still a pretty good nutrition. I usually have an avocado and a bag of something from the frozen veggie section in there too (like broccoli, cauliflower or green beans), but didn’t take the time to do that tonight. I vary the greens, but my favorite is a bag of spring greens I can get for a good price at Aldis, because it has a nice variety. Throwing a bunch of herbs and spices on it also helps give it a nice depth of flavor. This is the core of my food for the day. If I get enough healthy fats in there it is amazingly satisfying.
To start with, an AWESOME spontaneous comment by Zane.
As we were pulling into the parking lot of the building where Zane’s ST is held (at the University), we pass by a sign that said “Italian Door J”. I noted the sign, and in my brain immediately wondered what made “J” an “Italian” Door, then realizing that it probably is where the language class “Italian” is being held. As I am laughing at myself and the strange little conversation in my head, I park, and hear Zane pipe up in the back seat (now keep in mind, this entire conversation has been in my own head). “How about English Doors? Or Japanese?” I was stunned and SO glad I noticed the sign so it wasn’t a total non-sequitur. I thought it was awesome.
I brought my camera to Speech today. It was actually the second day of the semester, but the first day I was having the dental day from Hades and barely remembered he even had Speech. (Thankfully, Zach was on top of things for me that day). The group of kids and the clinical supervisor is the same, with a new group of Speech Therapy students. Zane’s new person left me with a good first impression. Yay!
The craft: making a groundhog mask. (in the second picture he is looking at the one-way mirror that I am sitting behind to see himself in the mask).
The activity: bowling. He made sure they knew that he got TWO throws. (except that he actually threw it, so they had to remind him to roll the ball)
Waiting his turn.
He didn’t really want to wear his mask at home, so Zora happily volunteered. (He did give his permission for her to wear it though)