Friday May 12, 2006
I finally had time to comment on some of the posts, and had 5 different people’s comments get eaten by xanga. Ironically, one of them was a comment about “have you had problems with xanga lately”. lol.
I wonder if this will post?
yup, it posted.
I only got one of mine eaten today…what a pain.
hmn… how would I know if someone’s post got eaten? Oh, well.
You are entirely correct about the unevenness of skills. The school people have trouble understanding that my aspie is ahead of most of his peers academically (or at least, in aptitude) but behind them socially. His counselor wanted to remove him from pre-AP English because of his problems, but thankfully the social worker pointed out that he still has the aptitude — it just needs to have experience to go with it — and that he needs to be with the other high-achieving students to find his peer group. We sure hope that when he starts high school next year he will be able to find a group of like-minded peers; he has had no friends in junior high.
The whole point to this ramble is that it’s not uncommon for students with learning disabilities to be uneven — the “easy” things may be difficult (both boy and I have individually taken 4+ years to learn our multiplication tables) and the more advanced stuff may be easy (e.g. physics for him, calculus for me). If people insist that the student “master” the preliminary steps before they can move on, the student will be bored and not reach their academic potential. Bored students can act up, either withdrawing, being class clown to get attention, or getting frustrated and angry.
I haven’t had any trouble’s since the other day, but I’m reluctant to try to reupload some of my pictures just yet.