Taking the Scenic Route

Thursday May 4, 2006

4th May 2006

Thursday May 4, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Evolution of Dance (comedy routine) 


This entry was posted on Thursday, May 4th, 2006 at 12:01 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Thursday May 4, 2006”

  1. 1 On May 5th, 2006, mom2gajenren said:

    hey i was just browsing some sites and i see that your son is going though autism spectrum disorder. my son is almost 3 and they tested him for that due to some fine/gross motor delays and a speech delay he has. i didn’t think he was autistic and turns out he’s not. he’s all these doctors and stuff. the one thing that really made them think he may of had that is that he would just look at thin air and laugh. my question is how did you know your son had this and what all have they done/are doing??? they consider my son disabled just b/c he a expressive language disorder i’m like that is total bs.

  2. 2 On May 5th, 2006, mom2gajenren said:

    also gaje my son had a mri and a catscan done. for the mri he was sedated and he did well. they both came back normal. while i was pregnant with him my bp was ungodly high and i think b/c he was only 4lbs when born between the lack of oxygen while being pregnant with him and him being stuck when born has something to with his problems.

  3. 3 On May 5th, 2006, mom2gajenren said:

    sorry i keep leaving messages i also have a 7 month daughter and the genetic doctor told us that we didn’t have to worry about anything with her why i’m not sure. but she is well were she should be for her age developmentally. is your a picky eater? gaje is.

  4. 4 On May 9th, 2006, Jennifer_Z said:

    Thanks for the comments!  I am not ignoring them, I just haven’t had time to sit down and respond properly. 

    I also have somebody who tagged me for a meme I am wanting to get to also.  (in case that person is watching for it).  I just have so little time and hands free of late.

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