Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday November 21, 2006

21st November 2006

Tuesday November 21, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Take a basic sugar cookie recipe, some spices, some food coloring, and some sprinkles, and you have fall leaves and acorns.  I was too tired to get up early to take new photos in better light, but you get the idea.

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For the acorns, I added some cocoa to the batter, and then just a bit of food coloring to pump the color up a bit.   Next time, I think I will just make them more chocolaty.  I added some almond extract in addition to the vanilla.  (only ‘nutty’ flavor I had on hand) 

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For the leaves, I divided the dough into 4 sections, colored the 3 larger sections red, orange, and yellow, and a smaller section green.  (next time I will work to make the green a little less bright.  lol).  Once they had firmed up a bit in the fridge, I pulled out the colored logs, laid down a large piece of saran wrap, and then pulled off various size lumps of cookie dough, including a small amount of the acorn dough, on the saran wrap to mix the colors.  Then I smashed them together and I used the saran wrap to help me fold it a few times to give a more layered look (and, try to prevent them breaking at the color breaks).  I rolled it out, and put it back in the fridge to firm back up.

The next time I do this, after I have cut them out, I will take a toothpick and make veins in the leaves…since the colors are layers, the veins would show different colors than the top layer.  In general, I do like how the various colors of colored sugar worked on these.  Put a nice finish on it.  (I attempted to put orange sprinkles over the orange, red over red, ect.)  My oven temp wasn’t quite “on target” either…it looks like they melted a bit before they rose, so you don’t get the good shape definition I like in shaped cookies.  Something to strive for next time.  Maybe they just needed a touch more flour….I used saran wrap instead of a floured surface and that might be where I need to make adjustments too.   *sigh*  baking is fun, but it is always a learning process. 

These ended up a bit on the spicy side…added some cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to them in addition to the vanilla.

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It was fun.  It was like the grown up version of play-do.  We have some left over dough too, so Zane will have fun messing around making more cookies today.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 21st, 2006 at 2:30 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “Tuesday November 21, 2006”

  1. 1 On November 21st, 2006, ilovebakedgoods said:

    I love what you did to the leaf cookies! I never thought to just color the dough like that. I was planning to make some in a maple flavor, but that was as far as I got in my planning, heh. I wanted to make some acorn cookies, too, but haven’t decided on a flavor yet. I like your sprinkles on them :-)

    Now, the question is – where did I put my cookie cutters in those shapes??

  2. 2 On November 21st, 2006, mischievium said:

    The cookies turned out so well!

  3. 3 On November 22nd, 2006, ShackintheMountains said:

    Those look great!  I’m sure they taste great, too.

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