Taking the Scenic Route

Monday November 6, 2006

6th November 2006

Monday November 6, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

I was going to post about how all the automated political calls are making me crazy.  We get several a night and they just irritate me because they usually wake somebody up or pull me away from something more important (changing a diaper, picking my nose…whatever…about anything is more important than the dang calls).  However, I just picked up the phone and heard Bill Clinton’s voice.  I actually listened this time…it was rather surreal.  And…he didn’t irritate my kids and wake up the baby, so we now know my kids are good judges of character too.  :D

I have spent much of today going over the candidates.  In my heart I am a moderate.  I actually agree with some of the Republican stances, but then it all goes south when I see how they want to accomplish their goals.  We have govenor Sebelious, who I am happy with.  She is really strong on education.  She is, surprisingly for how red a state this is, a Democrat.  That one is a no-brainer…Sebelious. 

Then we have the Attorney General slot.  I have a feeling I am not going to be happy about the outcome of that one, but Kline really, really ticks me off.  I am personally pro-life, but I don’t think I have the right to decide that for other people.  Kline is VERY anti-choice… he is pro-life too, but he is tryng everything he can to make it impossible for women to access abortions, including trying to make it legal to make health records public if there is a court case.  That is a seriously slippery slope I have no desire to go down.  It also opens a door to access health records to see if there is a history of mental illness, or any other condition that might make it hard to get insurance.  No, I don’t like it one bit.  He is also running an incredibly dirty campaign.  Kline is annoying enough to get me out to the polls just to vote against him.   I am glad Morrison is palatable, because I hate just choosing the one I hate the least.

I have a big list to sift through today.  *sigh* 

This entry was posted on Monday, November 6th, 2006 at 3:00 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Monday November 6, 2006”

  1. 1 On November 6th, 2006, mischievium said:

    Yeah, I’m a little tired of the endless campaign calls, myself. Tonight I have to read through two small novels, also known as the state and city ballot proposals. Man, being a good citizen is a lot of work! :o)

  2. 2 On November 6th, 2006, mattswifey_sophiasmommy said:

    Sounds annoying! That article you posted about the Magic Erasers was scary! I never would have thought chemical burns from that! I hope you can figure out what to do about Christmas. Have a good day!

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