Wednesday April 18, 2007
Our former landlords have LOST THIER MINDS. They are trying to charge us $800-some for cleaning up the apartment, and get this…they claim they had to use all sorts of special equipment because there was “human feces everywhere”. We literally laughed out loud when we read that. It is so insane it is hard to even comprehend. We shot back a letter to them saying that we agree that the refrigerator and oven needed to be cleaned (which was an outrageous charge of $150…but hey, we were so sick when we moved out, we didn’t care), which leaves $50 of our deposit that is still owed to us. Everything else was either normal wear and tear or without merit. We sent it via certified mail to make sure they got it. I wonder what the heck they were thinking? I just can’t even believe this, but there is no way they can prove it because it simply isn’t true, so I am not afraid of a court battle if it comes to that. This is so annoying and unneccesary. I don’t even really care about getting the deposit back, but to try and charge us money for something so patently ridiculous is beyond the pale.
Oh for crying out loud. I really hope they come to their senses and realize this is SO not worth their while.
Please tell me you got photos of the place before you turned in your keys…
oh yes, many photos. plus all the photos of the place when we were living there.
Oh man I hope that blows over soon!