Taking the Scenic Route

Monday April 9, 2007

9th April 2007

Monday April 9, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

On the way to my parents yesterday Zach and I were discussing various religious topics. 


Zach:  So, before the holy spirit descended (pentecost), did we have spirits?

Me:  Yeah, I think we had spirits, they just couldn’t talk to God very easily.

Zach:  oh, so it was sort of like and expansion pack for our spirits…upgrade now to the “Communicate with God” expansion pack, version 2.0

…and after some giggling….

Zach:  I’m gonna go to hell for that, aren’t I?


This entry was posted on Monday, April 9th, 2007 at 2:25 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 8 responses to “Monday April 9, 2007”

  1. 1 On April 9th, 2007, beanmama said:

    ROFL!!! LOVE it! What a hoot.

  2. 2 On April 9th, 2007, feebeeglee said:


  3. 3 On April 9th, 2007, LannaM said:

    *snort* We’re going to hell right along with you there since we laughed…

  4. 4 On April 10th, 2007, dayveg said:

    Hahahaha….I love those kinds of conversations!

  5. 5 On April 10th, 2007, tatiana622 said:

    I have conversations like that with my husband and kids often. I think we are probably going to hell, too.

  6. 6 On April 10th, 2007, Jfers_mom said:

    I’m still chuckling about that conversation.

    Don’t mean to get too ‘deep’ on you, but as I thought about it, I wonder if Jesus wouldn’t have used a similar reference if he were here today. His parables or other Bible stories were spoken to the people of the day in the language and situations of the day, so why wouldn’t he reference like that today? The Bible is definitely and above all our guide for today, the last word…to me, that’s a given. What I’m saying is when your read the Bible it could be confusing if you’ve never seen a ’shepherd’ (I was a shepherd in the ’70’s when we had over 400 sheep) or ‘green pastures beside still waters’…and what are a ‘rod and staff’?    To anyone not familiar with animal husbandry, a rod might be something that is used to beat another being, not to gently guide out of harms way.

    So I’m not so sure you don’t have that one pegged, my dear SIL!

    Just a thought….after the giggling subsided to a crooked grin.

  7. 7 On April 10th, 2007, djarczyk said:

    I think Jesus would be laughing and appreciating your wit! I love it! Hee hee

  8. 8 On April 10th, 2007, zac_mom said:

    I giggled and giggled thinking about what the “Church Lady” would say reading about “spirits” that existed prior to the Holy Spirit.

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