Monday April 2, 2007
Plugged in the external hard drive where we keep the photos and I found a few shots that I didn’t have time to post before
ah…isn’t she sweet..
…in that evil genius sort of way
When he drew this, we couldn’t understand what he was trying to tell us about it. He hadn’t drawn in ages, so we were really excited to see him initiating a desire to draw again, so, aside from understanding it was “house”, we weren’t getting what it was about and finally just decided to be happy he was drawing again. When I was flipping past this photo tonight, it made me smile to see it, but then it struck me *what* it was. It was his way of drawing the move. The two homes, connected by a curved road (there is a curve in between the two places IRL) and the new, bigger place had a tree and grass and a chimney. Whoa.
Such amazing, beautiful hands.
Zach was taking photos of the old place, he snapped a picture of ‘my corner’ with my new desk. It is like a little time capsule. lol.
She does look very muahahaha!