Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday July 10, 2007

10th July 2007

Tuesday July 10, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

Today, for the first time ever, when Zane had a blowout in his diaper (miscommunication between the parents as to just how much fruit he had consumed and he had waaaaay too much), he came to me struggling not to cry and desperately saying “clean up, clean up”.  I was a bit confused, but saw the telltale signs running down his leg.  After Zach cleaned him up and got the chair he was sitting on, I mentioned to Zach that it was the first time that he actually seemed to CARE that his diaper was leaking.  He might notice it, but we would never know because he just never cared.  Zach said that he forgot to tell me that yesterday Zane took off his wet pull-up, threw it in the trash, and put on a clean one.

For five and a half years we have never seen a single sign on that list “are you ready to potty train” except that he is able to take on/pull off pants.  I can’t tell you how happy I am to realize we have seen two signs in the last two days.  I was getting geared up for another try, but was concerned it would, once again, be futile.  Now I have reason to hope he might actually figure this thing out.   That would be MAJOR.

On a cute note, when Zora saw us changing his pull-up earlier today, she went and grabbed a new one of hers and tried to pull hers off.  Maybe we will get a two-for-one deal.  We deserve to have her potty learning go easily…we’ve put in enough time already.  lol.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 10th, 2007 at 6:48 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Tuesday July 10, 2007”

  1. 1 On July 10th, 2007, LannaM said:

    Yay! I will be so jealous if you get a two-for-one. So jealous. I’m getting sick of washing diapers.

  2. 2 On July 10th, 2007, trishshack said:

    B was late in potty learning but when he was ready he went from diapers full time to full time dryness literally overnight. For the first week I still used a diaper when we went out. Then for a week after that I still used a diaper at night. J is 2 and is pretty much day trained. However, he still wears a diaper and wets it a lot at night and he has had a lot of accidents. Though I had to deal with diapers for a long time with B I am very grateful how the potty learning happened.

  3. 3 On July 11th, 2007, MommyofTomandElandJo said:

    Yay. I hope you have reached a breakthrough in your potty training. I know that it is so frustrating. We had a really hard time potty training our son as well, but, then it was just like overnight he was ready and decided it was time. I hope that Zane has decided that it is time too. We saved so much money when we could stop buying pullups for him…He went straight to underwear. I think I was just scared, but, he had this really great teacher at school (It was the October before he turned 4) so, it really took us a long time and we were not having any luck at home. His teacher told us to put him in underwear and send him to school. She said they were used to being peed on.lol. I guess because they went to the potty on such a schedule. They went at the same time (whether he needed to go or not) within 2 or 3 weeks she had him potty trained without accidents. I was impressed. Especially considering I had been trying for a year or more. Maybe I just didn’t know what I was doing. He was my first child. I don’t know. Good Luck to you. I am in the process of trying to potty train my two year old daughter. Hope it goes better than his potty training did….

  4. 4 On July 11th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    That is huge!  Fingers crossed that this leads to potty learning. 

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