Taking the Scenic Route

Monday June 25, 2007

25th June 2007

Monday June 25, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

For months I have been trying to get Zora to point to body parts.  She has this book that she has loved since we got when she was very little.  It is huge and has very sturdy board book like pages (looks like something you would find at a therapy room or doctor’s office) and has big pictures of babies/toddlers that just captivate her.  When I read it to her, I always try and get her to point to the part they are talking about (ear, nose, eyes, belly, etc ) but have always had to resort to hand over hand to show her the answer.  Tonight, for the first time, not only did she get one of them, she got ALL of them without me having to help her at all.  I was so giddy.  Then, she got up and pointed to the light switch instead of getting more books because she was tired and just wanted to go to sleep.  It is amazing how one day they just don’t get it at all, and somehow the next day it all just clicks and they respond like they have always known it.  

In other cuteness, today she carried around a stuffed kitten and meowed for a while.  A very convincing meow (had me looking for an actual distressed cat for a minute until I realized it was her), and I am not sure where she figured out how to meow like an actual cat since she has only been around one a few times at Grandma’s house.

Zane decided to use the Mr Potato Head eyes in between his fingers to approximate Oobi today.  He was copying his daddy, but he took the idea and ran with it.  Very cute.  He also dumped a bunch of sand on his sister’s head again today, which was not so cute.  We did, however, have to stifle a laugh when we told him to “stop putting sand on Zora’s head.  Sand does not go on her head, it goes in the table” (sand water table he was playing with) and he proceeded to scoop the little pile of sand on her head back onto the table…then moving her closer to the table so he could swipe it off her head and put it directly into the table.  We had to stop him from doing that too because a girl only needs so much exfoliation on the top of her head (and after a bit she wasn’t so oblivious to the whole thing and was becoming unhappy), but he was trying to do what he thought we wanted and his interpretation was pretty cute.  That was not a fun thing to get out of her hair though. 

This entry was posted on Monday, June 25th, 2007 at 1:33 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Monday June 25, 2007”

  1. 1 On June 25th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    Zora is such a cutie!

    The sand thing cracks me up!  Typical brother thing to do. 

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