Taking the Scenic Route

Obama email stupidity

5th February 2008

Obama email stupidity

posted in Politics |

I can not believe I am actually typing this, but after the umpty million email forward, apparently people are not getting it.


He is NOT a Muslim.  The email that has been going around is a very effective LIE. 

I think it is a pretty sad world where people grab onto prejudices like that in the first place, but even sadder that it seems to be working.  Ugh.

Obama and his family attend a mainline Christian church.  As a Christian, he will use a BIBLE to swear in. (a practice I disagree with by the way… I think it is blashphemous to swear on the word of God, and your word should be sufficient, but that is a point for another day)

Although I know this from having research him over the years, it is also on the snopes.com site, a site that takes various urban legends and emails and researches them to find out if they are true or not. 

The link to snopes on Barrack Obama: 

the summary (click on the underlined links for more info) 


the big email, followed by a breakdown of why it is so patently false: 


eta:  for those who have sent it to me and just wanted my opinion on it, or were suprised and wanted to know if it was true, I have no issues with that.  In fact I welcome questions when things like this come up.  It is the people who are sending it to me thinking, somehow, I would be horrified and suddenly “see the light”.  Well, I am horrified, but it isn’t how you intended. 

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 at 3:55 PM and is filed under Politics. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “Obama email stupidity”

  1. 1 On February 6th, 2008, SarahAriella said:

    I believe that the peoplel spreading this sort of ignorant misinformation know it is false.  I think their biggest problem with Obama isn’t religion, it is race but they don’t want to own up to their biggotry so they go for religious intolerance instead.  Either way, he has my vote.

    BTW, he has supported every piece of legislation related to Autism since becoming a Senator.

  2. 2 On February 6th, 2008, baremountain said:

    thanks for the links, I grew so sick of the bigotry and crap i was getting in e-mails I sent out a very angry e-mail to everyone calling them on it and telling them not to send that type of stuff to me. Now I have sent the original sender that link. It feels oh so good.

  3. 3 On February 7th, 2008, Jessemommy said:

    I’d “heard” that he was muslim so many times that I didn’t even care anyways, though I was pretty sure he wasn’t anyways. I’d probably only be alarmed if he was a scientologist or something LOL!

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