From mom – update on the murder and SIL
I got a call yesterday from my co-worker who had heard that they had arrested the sub-human who murdered mom’s neighbor. He is also charged with several sex and other crimes against elderly women in another town. Mom was so relieved, as am I. He lived in the town that our bead shop is located. He had told his 10-12 yr old that he had a ‘girlfriend’ in the other town, and that’s where he was going. He’s about 45 yrs old. I’m sure there are more details out there, I just haven’t heard them.
And….DDIL’s meds didn’t help, they caused problems. So the KC cardio gal is going to do an ‘oblation’ (Sp?) next Monday. If I understand right, they will go up both groins with a scope, into the heart. They will find the nerve that is sending the bad signals and ‘kill’ it. The cardio does about 2 of these a day, so she knows what she is doing. DDIL’s added obstacles include the pace maker wires and her coumadin/blood thinner. They will keep her in the hospital for several days post-op.
I’m so glad they found the man that killed your grandma’s friend, hopefully that will help your grandma rest a tiny bit easier.