Maybe a new label
Not for Zane, but for me. I am going through testing for PCOS and Insulin Resistence. *sigh* It would explain a number of things, from my extreme difficulty with losing weight (I swear, everytime I tell people how much I eat, they don’t believe me because I just don’t seem to take in the calories required to be the weight I am at), the depression that always seems to be just under the surface even during my happiest times, to the high number of miscarriages I have had. It might also be why I seemed to have stopped lactating despite Zora still nursing. (that one makes me more sad than it should…I didn’t realize I wasn’t making milk any more, but suspected something was going on when I didn’t have engorgement during the vacation)
I am somewhat familiar with PCOS from my years on Infertility boards. Everybody there seemed to have either Endometriosis or PCOS…looks like I might have had both and not realized it. hmmm.
Something is going on with me. I hope I find answers. Why does time pass so slowly when you are waiting for test results?
On a rather ironic note, my best friend was dx’ed with PCOS and anaovulatory years ago, and was diagnosed with Endo more recently. I have had Endo since I was 12 or 13, and might be getting a PCOS dx now.
I hope you have answers soon (((((hugs)))))