Wednesday December 21, 2005
My c-section will be the first case of the day on Friday morning. It is relief to know. I can’t believe I will have two kids in 2 days from now. Wow!
Sort of an interesting symmetry to it…one will be two days before Christmas, the other two days after Christmas.
Going back to laying down now. I am definitely not feeling very chipper right now.
WOW! how exciting! I always thought it would be cool to know when the baby is coming. May God bless the procedure and guide the dr’s hands to bring forth a perfectly healthy baby and may your recovery be speedy.
I don’t think I could put it any better than mamafish. :o)
I’m so excited for you!! I hope you have an easy recovery and a heathy baby! And, oh boy, what a busy time of year this is for you guys!!
Maybe we should try for a third child on the 29th of December as well. Oh the fun we’ll have. Every other day someone will be getting gifts. maybe not.I actually feel bad for Zane. Momma is not going to be home for a few days, AND he will no longer be an only child; the only shining star in his parents’ lives. He will gain a sister for life. It will be good for him. Give-and-take situation for him, either way. A plus: Both of our children will have excellent role models. Biased? Too brazen? hip-hip-hurrah we’re bringing home the bacon after this weekend (and by “bacon”, I mean “baby”) lol
Jennifer, I am thinking of you. Can’t wait to meet the little babe. Hope your recovery is quick, please call if you need me to do dishes or make a meal. In fact, you should just email me your address so I can just bring you food because that is what I am best at. Congratulations on soon becoming mama to #2.
How exciting! best wishes for a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl and mommy!!!