Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday December 4, 2005

4th December 2005

Sunday December 4, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Weird day today.  I have a jug of pee in the fridge.  I also have found that trying to pee into a container really presents some interesting logistical problems for pregnant people. 

I also have a blood pressure monitor today.  My mom put money on my Wal-mart card last night and Zach promptly started looking at reviews of monitors and went to the store to bring one home.  Thankfully, he also bought an extra large cuff because I am just the tiniest bit to big for the normal one.  I can get it on, but it has to be a half inch higher on my arm than the normal cuff will allow it to be.  I feel less stressed out about this whole deal because my blood pressure is reading lower than it did in the office.  It is still higher than my norm, but not as bad.  It is helping me relax.  I will take it to the office with me tomorrow and see if it is calibrated to their machines and that it is accurate.  I do a lot better mentally when I have a clue what is going on.  That way I also have a clue if my headache or tiredness is just being pregnant, or a warning sign.  That is nice.  If I didn’t have the cuff, I have a feeling I would be driving my cousin absolutely insane.  He is a Physician’s Assistant and lives about a mile from me.  They also just brought their own newborn home, so I suspect that asking him to take my blood pressure all the time would get old pretty quick.  lol. 

One rather funny note…I did not realize how much water I drank.  I am supposed to make sure I get at least 10 8 oz glasses of water a day according to the test instructions.  At this rate, I am going to meet that amount before naptime, much less bed time. 

This entry was posted on Sunday, December 4th, 2005 at 1:36 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 7 responses to “Sunday December 4, 2005”

  1. 1 On December 4th, 2005, mujerfeliz said:

    I can relate!  I have a very spirited 5 year old boy and have had promblematic pregnacies with my girls.  Now I may be facing it all again.  Hang in there, it will be over soon.

  2. 2 On December 4th, 2005, Thia7278 said:

    Way to go on that water!

  3. 3 On December 4th, 2005, veggiemamma2 said:

    I hope your feeling better soon.

  4. 4 On December 4th, 2005, analisa_roche said:

    You go on the water! Great that you got a BP monitor. I have my glucose screen tomorrow and that always makes me nervous.

  5. 5 On December 4th, 2005, analisa_roche said:

    P.S. Forgive me for stating what may be obvious, but a doctor-friend of mine has to do 24-hour urine collections every six months…she pees into something easier to manage than the big collection jug and then pours it in…but maybe that’s what you are doing.

  6. 6 On December 4th, 2005, LynnE73 said:

    Maybe a silly questiong but does the doctor’s office use the large cuff when you go there? I know my super low blood pressure always reads dangerously high when they use the *average* sized cuff.

  7. 7 On December 4th, 2005, Jennifer_Z said:

    I am pretty sure they use a larger cuff at the Dr. Office. They bring one in on a little rolling stand instead of using the one in the room and there is always plenty of cuff tail when it is on me. 

    I am peeing into a bigger container and then dumping into the collection thingy.  Considering the obvious isn’t always so obvious when you are in the middle of stuff sometimes, I do appreciate the suggestion though.  I would have been like “duh”.  lol.

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