Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday July 9, 2005

9th July 2005

Saturday July 9, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Feeling a little better today.  I actually go a bit of cleaning done…more than I have for weeks.   That really helped me mentally.  I hope this trend continues and I am not totally pooped out after today. lol. 

Thanks for the comments ladies.  I feel sort of silly after yesterday’s post.  I guess I was more moody than I realized.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 9th, 2005 at 2:57 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Saturday July 9, 2005”

  1. 1 On July 9th, 2005, midnightowl said:

    Are you still watching the panda? She was very still and I thought she had gone to sleep, but now there’s was lot of noise and activity all of a sudden.

  2. 2 On July 9th, 2005, xooscarlettoox said:

    I am glad you are feelling better! My comments have been sparse around here lately, as have been my posts. I have my friend in town and I am spending as much time with her and her kids, as well as mine as I possibly can :-)

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  • Zane is 22 years, 11 months, and 25 days old
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