Tuesday May 31, 2005
It’s a BABY!
We saw the heartbeat. I can’t remember the numbers, but they were well within the normal range. I am SO HAPPY! (and so relieved)
edited to add: The estimated due date is now January 16, 1 day before I turn 36.
It’s a BABY!
We saw the heartbeat. I can’t remember the numbers, but they were well within the normal range. I am SO HAPPY! (and so relieved)
edited to add: The estimated due date is now January 16, 1 day before I turn 36.
Little by little we human beings are confronted with situations that give us more and more clues that we aren’t perfect.
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Praise the Lord
Congrats! I pray you have a healthy pregnancy.
I’ve been praying for that baby.
I will happily continue.
I bet your heart stopped for a second as you saw that that one had started.
Ack! I missed your announcement!! Congrats!!! You’re due a few weeks before me. I’m due on Feb. 6th.
We got to hug and cry shortly after they found out. It was wonderful to see her teary face nod ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ this time.
Oh, and Jennifer….Jan 16 is one day AFTER your birthday. Trust me, I was there. It was 1:03 A.M. Jan. 15. Your were 4 lbs 15 oz and 17.5″ long.
Zane was very well behaved yesterday and very enjoyable. Grandpa got such a kick out of the meal. We were about done, and he went to sit on his daddy’s lap, next to Grandpa. Grandpa still had some french fries left, and Zane took one, dipped it, and ate it. Then Grandpa took one and ate it, and so on…back and forth. Then Grandpa got out of turn and ate 2 in a row. Zane looked at him and picked up the rest of the fries and transfered them to daddys plate and finished eating them. He gave Grandpa a grin. I’ve ALREADY heard that story a couple of times.
I think your dad was so excited to hear about the baby that he couldn’t stand to stay home. We’re both very happy for you!
Love you!
How wonderful! Congratulations!
Congratulations on the wonderful news!
Congratulations Jennifer! May you have a wonderfully healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby! I’m thinking PINK….
Yay! Yippee! Congrats again. Please call me, I can’t find your number anywhere. Love B
I’m so happy for you, Jennifer!