Taking the Scenic Route

Thank you Grandma

9th February 2010

Thank you Grandma

posted in Autistic Life, Swim, YMCA, Zane, Zora |

When my mom heard that we pulled the kids from their swimming and gymnastics lessons she offered to pay for it so that they could keep going.  They both love going to the Y, and it is good for both of them, so I happily accepted the offer.

Zane’s hair is long enough that I told him we either needed to cut it, wear it in a ponytail, or he could wear one of my swimming caps.  (the lycra one, so it doesn’t pull the hair so bad).  He chose the cap.  He liked it so much (I would guess the tightness appealed to his love of deep pressure)  that I ordered him one in orange for next week.  (orange is his favorite color, so it was easy to talk him into, but the main reason was because it will help the teacher,the lifeguards, and us to be able to keep track of him easier in this group of kids, and with a 6-1 ratio, I want to give them every advantage I can.  All of the classes are full, so there was nothing with the small class size like I could in the fall.  Usually he towers over his classmates, but this time he “fits in” a lot better, which is really cool, but does make it a bit more challenging to keep track of him.) We had to talk to the Aquatics director to make sure he had the same teacher, because she is SO awesome with him.  I found out that she isn’t available during the day because she is a teacher, which makes total sense as to why she can handle him so well.  I really like her a LOT.  Zora had a different teacher, but that isn’t a big deal for her.

Zane did give us a bit of a scare.  He was so excited to be back in the water again that he started practicing putting his head under water, but he did it in an area where the pool is just a little too deep for him.  He was pushing back up above the surface, but it was clear he was literally over his head as he began to flail.  Fortunately, the alert teacher saw what was happening and got him back to the wall, but it was a bit heart stopping for us watching him.  He did a lot better the rest of the class.  I have a feeling he sort of scared himself too.

(he’s on the far right)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 9th, 2010 at 10:07 PM and is filed under Autistic Life, Swim, YMCA, Zane, Zora. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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