Saturday September 17, 2005
To answer a question from the previous post: Why did I have the quad screen done? I know it isn’t definitive, but I wanted some warning if there was a problem so I could start preparations for it a bit earlier. It is also a relatively non-invasive procedure. They take my blood…I hate having my blood drawn, but I am used to having my blood drawn so I can cope with it pretty well. I refused the amnio, saying I would only reconsider if there was a strong indication on the blood and ultrasound because that was more invasive than I was comfortable with and carried a risk of miscarriage.
I was originally going to refuse all the tests because I assumed they were mostly for determining whether or not to terminate the pregnancy, something that isn’t really an option for us. (I won’t say never because it is like asking to be put in a position where you do have to seriously consider it…no chance of survival/severe pain, ect) Then I talked to another parent who had the test come up positive for Downs. Because of this, her pregnancy was more monitored via ultrasound to check on the heart development (there were some problems). As a result, they caught something that likely would have been missed if she had not been monitored, was fixable, and improved her daughter’s quality of life. That made it worth a blood draw to me.
Thank you for the follow up. I think you made the right decision for you and I knew whatever your decision, that it was well thought out. I hope you didn’t think I was being a zealot or critical of you. :) Out of curiosity, what heart development problems did the ultrasound of your friend’s baby show? Were these problems related to down syndrome? I feel like I learn something new about babies, birth, child development, parenting everyday. Especially in the blogosphere.
thanks, b