Taking the Scenic Route

MCC Sale deferred.

11th April 2006

MCC Sale deferred.

posted in Uncategorized |

What I was supposed to be posting about last Saturday was about how great the MCC sale was.   How much I enjoyed the food.  How many people I ‘caught up’ with.  Alas, the day did not go as planned.

On our way to Hutch, we planned on stopping at a tire store to get a new tire mounted and the front passenger tire restored to it’s “spare tire” status.  Our neighbor was working at the west end store, so we went out there.  He was going to squeeze us in so it would only take 10-15 minutes. 

As we pulled off the interstate into the side streets, we stopped at a stoplight.   Zach asked if the smoke was coming from our car.  After about 3 lights, we decided it was our car.  Our neighbor guy took a look at it for us and pointed out a gaping hole in the radiator.  According to him, it can’t be patched.   He said it would be a very bad idea to go to Hutch and to watch the temperature gauge on our way home. 

The little piece of paper they gave Zach when he dropped the car off said it would be an hour before it would be ready ( 10-15 minutes, huh?!?).  We walked to the nearest fast food place to try and fill the hour.  (we left hungry, expecting a large German Mennonite Buffet).  We came back to find our car still had it’s tire on in the bay.  It was another hour before they finished.  Heaven knows what took them so long…it took less time to change the tire out on a highway, but oh well.)

Since it was supposed to be a major fun day, we had our camera.  We didn’t get the pictures we planned, but here are the *fun* moments we did capture.  Enjoy!  lol.

You can just feel the excitement here, can’t you.

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Now, back at the Tire and Lube shop….

Zora decides it’s time to eat

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I find some flashcards in my diaper bag for Zane

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The entertainment (not quite the same as the barrel rides, giant slides, and hay mazes planned)

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and, finally, all the fabulous things to look at.

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*sigh*  it really wasn’t too bad.  Zane wasn’t really digging it though and he only got happy in bursts.

After this, we did decide to go to a consignment store and an Old Navy since we didn’t really have to go out of our way much to do so.  We used up the last of an Old Navy gift certificate to buy Zane’s summer wardrobe, and got some nice pieces for Zora at the consignment shop to supplement the 3 things I got for her on ebay and part of the Hanna Anderson gift certificate I used for her this week.  I think both kids are reasonably well set for now, clothes wise.  Since Zach and I hate shopping, it was nice to get it all finished in one lump. 


This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 11th, 2006 at 2:54 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “MCC Sale deferred.”

  1. 1 On April 11th, 2006, tatiana622 said:

    Sorry your day didn’t quite go as planned–but it looked like you made due the best you could! Props to you on that!

  2. 2 On April 11th, 2006, mattswifey_sophiasmommy said:

    I’m so sorry you didn’t get to go to your sale.    It looks like you did really well making the best of the situation that you could though, and I must admit, that’s better than we would have done   Hope you have a great day.

  3. 3 On April 11th, 2006, ShackintheMountains said:

    Bummer about the car.  Poor Zane!  Looks like he made the best of it. 

    Awww, give Zora some Frosty!!  How bad can it be?  ;)

  4. 4 On April 11th, 2006, SouloG said:

    Wow!  Zora is changing in leaps and bounds!  Grabbing the spoon, reaching for the table etc…. She’s getting so big.  Sorry to hear of the car trouble, but I did find your picture essay amusing :).

  5. 5 On April 11th, 2006, mischievium said:

    Oh, no! I’m so sorry you had to miss the MCC sale! Darn car!

  6. 6 On April 12th, 2006, baremountain said:

    ha ha we were in the smae situation. broken car and eating at a fast food place. glad you made the best of it. it’s a good thing to know how to do and 0a bteer thing to teach your kids.

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 8 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years and 12 days old
  • Random Quote

  • Yes he will out grow it, after a certain age people will stop thinking they can control how he thinks and acts, so it won’t be a problem anymore. — (on autism) ShaggyDaddy (MDC)

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