Sunday April 2, 2006
Fun with Kiddos
Fun with Macro function on camera
Fun with Kiddos
Fun with Macro function on camera
People are not for hitting and children are people too
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Looks like Zane’s having fun painting Dora. Sophia LOVES watching Dora every morning with me. Zora’s growing like a weed, isn’t she? She’s so cute! Hope you have a great day!
I added you to my protected list… sorry I didn’t add you before….
Oh… and as always, the kiddos are sweet as ever… and your little girl is getting so big!
You are quite the photographer…I love the macro shots!
Very nice! Glad things are going well.
RYC: Thanks, but you were off by 10. What can I say? I started everything late. But I appreciate the good wishes.
Does Zane really color within the lines of the picture like that? That is interesting. I still don’t color in the lines, and especially not so thoroughly. Plus, did he choose brown for the hair etc.?
zane had a lot of “help” from dad this time around, which is why there are no close-ups of the artwork, but he can stay in the lines if he wants to. he did choose all the colors though
Isn’t macro cool? Hey look Zora is lifting her head up while on her tummy!
ryc, I don’t hate ducks now, but for some reason at five I did.
I LOVe the pics especially of Zane, he looks deep in thought.
i wish my camera hasd a macro setting, they are just so fun