Taking the Scenic Route

Cabbage Patch Kids “Touching Tunes”

17th January 2011

Cabbage Patch Kids “Touching Tunes”

posted in Board/Card Games, Zora |

Eilysh gave Zora the Cabbage Patch Touching Tunes Kids game for her Birthday.  It was a vintage game they had found at a second hand store.   There were a bunch of different games with the one system, and it featured a thing where you had to each touch a spot on the playing field, and touch the other person for the tune to play.  Zora loved it.  (not a game I want to play a lot, but she loved it, and that is what is important).  It was a cute game, good for the preschool set.  This one kept getting stuck on the “Happy Birthday” song, which delighted Zora, but made the grown-ups want to use a hammer on the thing after a while. lol.

a picture I found of the whole thing online:

This entry was posted on Monday, January 17th, 2011 at 12:01 AM and is filed under Board/Card Games, Zora. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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